Ceremony In Remembrance Of The Plant Workers – Veterans and Homefront Workers During the World War II
On 6 May 2016, Izolyator team and management held the annual flower-laying ceremony to the monument on the plant territory and observed a moment of silence in remembrance of the veterans and homefront workers of the World War II.
During the World War II Izolyator’s production facilities were fully used for the needs of defense. Many plant workers volunteered to the front. The Moscow Council of Workers’ Deputies awarded Izolyator staff with a certificate of merit for patriotism shown in people’s volunteer corps and heroism in battles to defend Motherland.
The plant was bombed by the German aviation several times, so many workers distinguished themselves in firefighting after the air strikes.
In 1941, under the order of Council of People’s Commissars Izolyator was evacuated to the town of Kosulino in Sverdlovsk Region.
During the years of war, Izolyator products demand only increased: the plant had to supply power plants both in the East and help rebuild power networks of the liberated territories while continuing to deliver under direct orders from the war industry needed for the front.
By the ruling of the State Defense Committee dated 18 November 1942 the plant was given the objective to bring the product output to the levels of 1940. The staff took it as a battle-order - so, in 1944, Izolyator plant was recognized a winner in the All-Union socialist competition with the third place.
By 1945, the plant mastered industrial production of 60 new types of bushings including a specialized bushing for radio units and other defense purposes. The plant’s entire product range was fully restored for mass production, for example, 154 and 22 kV oil-filled insulators that had been out of production since the first years of war were assembled.
In the modern days, Izolyator staff hold the memory of the deceased comrades. Their names are listed on the monument erected on the plant premises. On this day, we bow our heads to the memory of the fallen, and wholeheartedly thank every veteran living among us.
Moment of silence in the memory of the plant workers – veterans and homefront workers during the years of the World War II