D1 Subcommittee at RNC CIGRE created
On 11 February 2016, D1 Subcommittee at the Russian National Committee of CIGRE called “Materials and new test methods and means of diagnostics development” was created.
International Council on Large Electric Systems — CIGRE (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques — CIGRE) is the largest international non-profit Association for promoting collaboration with experts from all around the world by sharing knowledge and joining forces to improve electric power systems. Russian National Committee (RNC CIGRE) as a legal entity was established in 2003. At present the Committee counts over 60 collective and over 460 individual members. RNC CIGRE aims to represent the national interests at CIGRE and to assist in exchanging technical knowledge, experience and feedback in various fields of CIGRE activity for all its members.
The Subcommittee is established on the basis of Izolyator plant by decision # 12–23 of the RNC CIGRE technical committee of 11 February 2016. The agreement is valid for 5 years from 11 February 2016 till 10 February 2021.
Alexander Slavinsky elected the Subcommittee Chairman. Izolyator company received status of Leading scientific engineering partner to RNC CIGRE.
The Subcommittee acts based on the model provisions on RNC CIGRE subcommittees approved by the RNC CIGRE panel ruling # 3/8 of 25 April 2014.