Mosenergo Inspected Izolyator Bushings
On 17 May 2016, Mosenergo JSC inspected tests of Izolyator bushings.
Mosenergo is currently the largest territorial generation company in Russia and one of the largest heat producers in the world. The power plants of Mosenergo have installed electricity capacity of 13 GW and thermal capacity of 42.9 thnd Gcal/h. Mosenergo power plants supply more than 60% of electric energy consumed in Moscow region and about 70 % of heat in Moscow (excluding newly-annexed territories).
Acceptance tests of HV bushings GKT-60-550/2000 IVUE.686355.172 were executed at Izolyator plant.
To oversee the tests, Mosenerego JSC representatives arrived at the plant:
Andrey Snetkov, Chief Specialist of Power Equipment Service,
Nikolay Shavlikov, Chief Specialist of Power Equipment Service,
Daniil Galimov, Chief Specialist TPP-26.
The visitors were received and attended by:
Alexander Savinov, Director on Strategic Sales,
Victor Kiryukhin, Head of Design Bureau.
All bushings tests were successful.
Upon completion of the tests Izolyator colleagues arranged a tour of the plant familiarizing the guests with HV bushings design solutions and main manufacturing stages at Izolyator plant, and the plant development prospects.
At the Test Center of Izolyator plant (L-R): Victor Kiryukhin, Alexander Savinov, Andrey Snetkov, Nikolay Shavlikov and Daniil Galimov