RUGRIDS-ELECTRO International Forum Overview
Izolyator became an official partner of the 5Th Jubilee Rugrids-Electro 2016 International Forum, which was held in 18-19 October 2016 at the World Trade Center in Moscow.
The Forum gathered world’s and Russia’s leading professionals and experts in power industry. Chief executives of power industry companies, government representatives, OEMs and power equipment designers, academia and universities took part in the event.

Rugrids-Electro 2016
In his opening speech, Oleg Budargin, General Director at Rosseti JSC welcomed the participants on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev who emphasized the high status of RUGRIDS-ELECTRO: “The Forum is rightly believed one the key industry events of the year. It gives an opportunity to management of large companies, scientists and experts to discuss professional issues, share experience and challenging ideas and to go into business with partners”.
The Forum’s ambitious program included plenary sittings, round tables, debates and open interviews. The attendants were able to share experience, have face-to-face meetings with the industry leaders and chief executives and get advice from leading experts.
Izolyator representatives held a number of business talks with partners and potential customers and took an active part in the Forum agenda.
On the opening day, Alexander Slavinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors made an extensive report at the panel discussion “The National Association of Test Centers: relevance of creation and Russia’s entrance to the market of testing services”. Mr. Slavinsky also presented Izolyator’s and SC D1 RNC CIGRE Materials and emerging test techniques activities at the panel discussion “Monitoring systems: indication or technical diagnostics?” and in the course of the open dialog “Purchasing and small and medium-sized enterprises: meeting halfway” under the auspices of Opora Rossii.

Open dialog: “Purchasing and small and medium-sized enterprises: meeting halfway” under the auspices of Opora Rossii
On the second Forum day, Izolyator organized an official event: “Izolyator plant: the 120 years of innovation and high-voltage bushings production for the power industry” with participation of management of Rosseti JSC and representatives of grids and power equipment OEMs from Russia and the CIS countries.
At the event, Rosseti and Izolyator signed a memorandum on cooperation. From Rosseti JSC side, Roman Berdnikov, First Deputy General Director signed the document and on behalf of Izolyator – Alexander Slavinsky.
After the signing ceremony, all the participants and guests of the Forum visited Izolyator plant where they were introduced to innovative designs and main stages in production of high-voltage bushings including the unique production technology of RIP bushings.
In the result of the Forum’s work, Izolyator earned a diploma of Partner to the RUGRIDS-ELECTRO 2016 International Power Forum.
Awarding diploma to Izolyator for its participation in Rugrids-Electro 2016