MNTK-2018 Conference of Nuclear Power Industry
On 23 and 24 May 2018, the XIth International Scientific and Technical Conference “Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Power Industry” (MNTK-2018), where study committee D1 of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE participated, was held in Moscow.
Eleventh International Scientific and Technical Conference “Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Power Industry” (MNTK) is held once every two years in Moscow and organized by Rosenergoatom. The conference goal is to provide an opportunity for experience and information exchange on key topical issues of NPP operation and prospects of nuclear power development, to discuss the role of the operating company in realization of the strategy of the nuclear power industry development in Russia. Representatives of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation, Rosenergoatom, IAEA, World Association of Nuclear Operators, R&D organizations of Russia and the CIS, Eastern and Western Europe, other regions of the world, the largest Russian and foreign nuclear industry companies take part in the conference. The conference also includes an exhibition, where Russia’s leading sectoral enterprises and foreign organizations — conference participants — exhibit their products.
The RNC CIGRE Subcommittee D1 “Materials and Emerging Test Techniques” was created on the basis of Izolyator plant (Massa LLC) as a regular collegial body reporting to the Technical Committee of the RNC CIGRE. Izolyator plant received a status of the Leading scientific and technical partner to RNC CIGRE. The agreement was concluded for the period of five years from 11 February 2016 till 10 February 2021. Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Izolyator headed the Subcommittee D1. The Subcommittee D1 deals with theoretic research in electric insulating materials application in high-voltage equipment.
Head of Directorate of Diagnostics and Testing of Electrical elements of nuclear power plants and nuclear installations of the Research Institute of Devices (NIIP JSC) Alexander Kononenko represented the study committee D1 of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE.
Mr. Kononenko was author and speaker in the report “Assessment of electrical insulation condition using results of isothermal relief current measurements”,and he also was a co-author of the report “Frequency resonant reflectometry — new possibilities for registering defects in cables”.
The materials of the MNTK-2018 will be used for issuing a book of reports.
The conference helped to find solutions to one of the industry problems — sourcing ways to increase economic efficiency of power units operation and NPPs operating life extension.
The audience of the XIth International Scientific and Technical Conference “Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Power Industry” (MNTK-2018)
We appreciate the conference organizers for their invitation and a wonderful event!