Power Industry 2018 Olympics
On 26–30 November 2018, Ivanovo State Energy University held an International Power Industry Olympics named after A. F. Dyakov “Power Industry 2018”.
The purpose of the activity is to improve the quality of training of students majoring in electrical engineering and power management, identification of talented youth and forming of interest to the profession with students.
Magister students of the first year of studies from different universities of Russia and the world participated in the Olympics.
The Olympics was co-organized by the System operator of the unified energy system, Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System with support from the “New Generation” charity foundation.
Izolyator also partnered with the Olympics, funding special prizes for completed exercises in The High-voltage Equipment section.
Deputy Quality Director of Izolyator, Coordinator of study committee D1 RNC CIGRE Vladimir Ustinov passed the awards to the students who made it into prizes:
- 1st prize winner in the discipline R. Chuvashev (Novosibirsk State Technical University),
- 2nd prize winner M. Frolova (Moscow Power Institute),
- 3rd prize winner S. Koryakina (Belgorod State Technological Universtiy n.a. V. G. Shukhov).
Vladimir Ustinov is awarding the winders of the Olympics “Power Industry 2018”
Vladimir Ustinov made a report “Activities of study committee D1 of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE (RNC CIGRE) “Materials and Emerging Test Techniques” for the students.
Vladimir Ustinov is making a report to the students — participants of the Olympics — about the activities of D1 RNC CIGRE
There was a working meeting with the administration of Ivanovo state energy university, where Mr. Ustinov discussed students’ involvement in the activities of study committee D1 RNC CIGRE and organization of joint events.
Participants of activities of the International Students Olympics n.a. A.F. Dyakov “Power Industry 2018”