Visit of AllianceEnergo’s Commercial Director
On December 25, 2018, commercial director of the AllianceEnergo Sergey Roussentsov visited Izolyator plant.
The guest was welcomed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexander Slavinsky and the Head of Sales (CIS and Baltic countries) Maxim Osipov.
The meeting summed up annual result of joint activities and business with energy enterprises of Belarus.
The Belarusian fuel and energy complex includes companies engaged in production, transportation, and storage of all kinds of energy resources. About 85 % of energy resources consumed by the national economy is imported. Electricity generation is the core of the Belarusian fuel and energy complex. It is one of the leading branches of the national economy where a traditionally high level of Belarus’ technical and engineering potential is concentrated.
One of the significant events of 2018 was the installation of the first in country RIP bushing with 800 kV voltage. The installation was carried out in a shunt reactor at the Belorusskaya 800 kV power station. Izolyator plant specialists took part in this event.
During this meeting the partners discussed significant trends and issues of strategic planning aiming to strengthen and further improve already fruitful long-term partnerships with enterprises of the Belarus Energy complex.
Participants of the meeting at the Izolyator plant, L-R: Alexander Slavinsky, commercial director of AllianceEnergo Sergey Roussentsov and Maxim Osipov
Both sides proclaim exceptional importance of further cooperation, given the historical context of relations between Russia and Belarus.