Workshop at Mogilevenergo
On 28 November 2018, Izolyator held a workshop for management representatives and technical specialists of branches of Mogilev Republican Unitary Enterprise of electric energy Mogilevenergo.
Mogilev Republican Unitary Enterprise of Electric Energy “Mogilevenergo (RUE Mogilevenergo) ensures production, transportation, distribution and wholesale of electric and thermal power and operational dispatch control over those processes, maintenance of power plants, electrical and thermal networks, ensures a balanced development of power systems of Mogilev city Mogilev region.
There are two high-pressure thermal power plants, three branches of electric power networks and two branches of thermal networks in RUE Mogilevenergo’s structure.
RUE Mogilevenergo is a part of the State production association of electric energy Belenergo.
The event was organized on the base of RUE Mogilevenergo’s training center.
Izolyator’s workshop at the training center of RUE Mogilevenergo
Izolyator was represented by Head of SVN Service Dmitry Mashinistov and Deputy Chief Engineer of RUE Mogilevenergo Stanislav Goryachko contributed as a co-presenter.
Deputy Chief Engineer at RUE Mogilevenergo Stanislav Goryachko (L) and Dmitry Mashinistov are giving the workshop
The audience studied advantages of Izolyator HV RIP bushings, methods and specifics of diagnostics, guidelines of competent operation of bushings at power facilities.
During the seminar, the specialists of RUE Mogilevenergo’s branches received detailed answers to their questions. The event went as an active dialogue with a deep interest with the audience and a wide discussion of the topics and sharing professional experience.
Audience of Izolyator workshop at the training center RUE Mogilevenergo
All participants of the workshop marked its exceptional mutual benefit and good prospects of such format of cooperation.
We appreciate RUE Mogilevenergo for an invitation, high interest and excellent organization of the wokshop.