Plant tour for students of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’
On 22 September 2021, Izolyator hosted an excursion and a quest for the 3rd year undergraduate students of the Department of High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics of the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’.
Department of High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics of the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ (Dept. of HVEE IEPE MPEI) trains highly qualified specialists for power industry and other sectors of economy as well as areas of science and engineering that use high voltage and strong electric and magnetic fields.
National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ is the one from the largest technical universities of Russia. It provides the specialist’s training and scientific research in the field of energetic, electrical engineering, radio electronics, computer engineering.
Before the start of the program, the guests were greeted by Sergey Moiseev, CEO of Izolyator Production Complex.
Sergey Moiseev welcomes MPEI students
After the mandatory safety and labor protection orientation, Director of the Moscow Branch of Izolyator Plant Vladimir Ustinov and the Lead Technical Support Specialist Victor Kiryukhin, both graduates of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’, introduced the students to the century-long history of the enterprise.
Victor Kiryukhin is telling the guests about the history of Izolyator plant
Artem Semenov, Design Engineer of the R&D Center, postgraduate student of the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ (Dept. of PTEMC IEE MPEI) spoke about the designing high-voltage bushings and demonstrated CAD software.
Acquaintance with the software package for the design of high-voltage bushings
Further, Alexander Filippov, Production Process Engineer of Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant also a postgraduate student of the Department of PTEMC IETE MPEI, presented the products of the enterprise and the most modern technological equipment used in production and testing to the students.
MPEI students visiting Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant
In turn, Victor Kiryukhin led the students through the shops of the Izolyator Production Complex, telling about the technological cycle of high-voltage bushings production.
Acquaintance with the production of Izolyator high-voltage bushings
During the plant tour, the head of the company — CEO of Zavod Izolyator LLC Alexander Slavinsky met with the students.
Meeting of MPEI students with Alexander Slavinsky
MPEI students in the test center of the Izolyator Production Complex
The final point of the visit agenda was the quest ‘Let there be light!’
Students solving problems of the ‘Let there be light!’ quest
HR Director Julia Turina on behalf of Izolyator presented certificates to the winners of the quest.
Winners of the quest ‘Let there be light!’ awarded with certificates of Izolyator
Students showed a special interest in production, asked questions, clarified details. They noted the excellent organization of the visit, the oratorical talents of their guides, and the interesting quest tasks.
MPEI students noted the excellent organization of all events prepared by Izolyator
In the questionnaire, the students wrote that now that they had an idea of production, it was easier to carry out laboratory work; they built up an understanding of why the theoretical knowledge that they receive at the institute is needed.