Awarding of the badge to the honorary title Honored Worker of Industry of the Moscow Region
On 6 September 2021, Izolyator employees were presented with a badge to the honorary title Honored Worker of Industry of the Moscow Region.
The honorary title ‘Honored Worker of Industry of the Moscow Region’ is awarded to highly qualified workers, executives of industrial enterprises, production associations, research and development organizations, workers of industrial management bodies who have special merits in the development of industry, in achieving high production efficiency indicators, in the implementation of the achievements of science and technology, ensuring safe working conditions, working in the Moscow region in this area for at least 10 years.
The badge was presented to the Director of R&D Center — the 1st Deputy CEO Konstantin Sipilkin and the Chief Accountant Elena Posokh.
On behalf of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov, Alexander Slavinsky, CEO of Zavod Izolyator presented the badge in a solemn ceremony.
Awarding Izolyator employees with a badge to the honorary title Honored Worker of Industry of the Moscow Regio
Breastplate, its miniature copy and certificate for the honorary title Honored Worker of Industry of the Moscow Region
The awarding of the title Honored Worker of Industry of the Moscow Region to Izolyator employees took place earlier — at the general meeting of the staff members in connection with the 125th anniversary of the plant.