The auditorium of Izolyator Plant at the MPEI has opened its doors on the new academic year
On September 1st, 2021, on the Knowledge Day, the audience of Izolyator Plant at the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ welcomed the first students on the new academic year.
National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ (MPEI) trains the Bachelors, Masters and Specialists (Engineers) in 15 directions and 73 specialties. MPEI is the one from the largest technical universities of Russia. It provides the specialist’s training and scientific research in the field of energetic, electrical engineering, radio electronics, computer engineering. MPEI has the modern educational buildings, the academic and scientific laboratories, the students’ hostels, the powerful experimental facilities, a pilot-plant, an academic-research heat and power plant, an university technical park.
The first hours of new academic year will be held at the auditorium of Izolyator Plant in the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’
The auditorium is equipped with a multimedia complex, full-scale samples of modern high-voltage insulation equipment and everything necessary for the organization of a high-quality educational process. The company's products, historical and modern factual materials about the company are widely presented on various information stands.
The appearance of the entrance group of the educational audience of Izolyator Plant at the MPEI
The audience creates all conditions for students to acquire fundamental knowledge and skills for further work, such as at the Izolyator Company.
Lesson in the classroom of the Izolyator Plant at the MPEI
The Izolyator Company has a long-term social partnership project with educational institutions, including the MPEI. As part of the work of the Izolyator Corporate University, excursions to the production and educational quests are being held for university students on a systematic basis, for which the best specialists of the enterprise are involved. The staff of the scientific and technical center introduces future engineers to the most modern methods of calculation and design of high-voltage devices.
In turn, the Izolyator Company periodically invites MPEI teachers to give lectures on the latest trends in the development of domestic and world electrical engineering and power industry.
On this Knowledge Day, another notable event has occurred: Dr. Alexander Slavinsky took up the duties of the Head of the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of the MPEI.
Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, Head of the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’
Traditionally, the department graduates specialize in research of electrical materials and devices, insulating equipment and cabling products.
Dr. Alexander Slavinsky has a truly unique domestic and international experience in the industry: he has been successfully heading the Izolyator Company for more than 25 years, being a head of the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 and a CIGRE Study Committee D1 Regular Member, holding the post of vice-president of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of Russian Federation, and being a Russian expert at International Electrotechnical Commission, as well as being the author of numerous monographs on the physics of dielectrics and the design of high-voltage bushings.
And this is not a complete list of Dr. Alexander Slavinsky activitie, one way or another related to the development of electrical engineering and power industry.
We wish Dr. Alexander Slavinsky a great further success!