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Meeting at the Chirchiq Transformer Plant

On 28 July 2021, management representatives of the Izolyator Production Complex visited the Chirchiq Transformer Plant in Uzbekistan. 

Chirchik_Transformer_Plant.jpgChirchik Transformer Plant is leading enterprise of electrical industry of the Uzbekistan. Chirchik Transformer Plant more than 70 years successfully operated at the market of machine building, with producing of power transformers and unitized transformer substations of voltage class 12; 40,5; 126 and 252 kV, with power from 25 to 63 MVA and execute repair of different difficulty power transformers of voltage to 550 kV included, with power to 125 MVA. 


Izolyator production complex was represented by:

Commercial Director — 1st Deputy CEO Ivan Panfilov,

Deputy Commercial Director Andrey Shornikov,

Neighboring Countries Sales Director Maxim Osipov,

Assistant of Neighboring Countries Sales Director Roman Levintsov.

The guests were received by:

General Designer Enver Vililyaev,

Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity Elmira Shafikova,

Chief Designer Power Transformers Akmal Ernazarov,

Chief Designer Distribution Transformers Artur Abuzyarov,

Lead Designer Maria Kim.

IMG_7743.jpgRepresentatives of the Izolyator Production Complex management at a meeting at the Chirchiq Transformer Plant (ChTZ) in Uzbekistan. Receiving party (R-L): Chief Designer Distribution Transformers Artur Abuzyarov, General Designer Enver Vililyaev, Head of Foreign Economic Affairs Elmira Shafikova, Lead Designer Maria Kim and Chief Designer Power Transformers Akmal Ernazarov 

A detailed discussion of the areas and prospects for cooperation expansion between the two enterprises took place, taking into account the latest trends in the power sector and in the regional electrical markets.

7398.jpgA 63 MVA 252 kV power transformer equipped with Izolyator high-voltage bushings on the shopfloor of the Chirchiq Transformer Plant (photo: Chirchiq Transformer Plant)

During the meeting, representatives of Chirchiq Transformer Plant showed great interest in the technical and operational advantages of Izolyator high-voltage bushings with moisture-resistant internal RIN insulation. The sides took a decision jointly and comprehensively study all aspects of the use of new bushings on power equipment manufactured by Chirchiq Transformer Plant.