Product presentation at the Bashkir Generation Company
Oleg Bakulin, Director of Partner Relations at Izolyator, held a presentation of the company products at the Bashkir Generation Company.
Bashkir Generation Company (BGC) is one of the major regional energy companies in Russia. Its generates electricity and heat in power plants. BGC manages power generation assets in the Bashkortostan and provides energy resources to residents, organizations and enterprises in the republic and neighbor regions. The company is headquartered in Ufa. Bashkir Generation Company is a member of Inter RAO Group.
Karmanovskaya SDPP of the Bashkir Generating Company is the most powerful condensing thermal power plant in Bashkortostan (photo: BGC)
At the head office of BGC in Ufa, the guest was received by the Leading Specialist of the Electrical Equipment Department Yury Gerasyov.
Head office of the Bashkir Generating Company in Ufa (photo: BGC)
During the meeting, a presentation of Izolyator high-voltage bushings with moisture-resistant internal RIN insulation was made.
The advantages and prospects of using bushings with a new type of insulation, their design and technical features, specifics of operation were considered.
Then a dialogue on the experience of operation of Izolyator bushings, which are in service at power facilities of BGC followed.