Meetings with executives of the leading power and industrial companies in India
From 18 to 22 October, Izolyator Company had a number of meetings with executives of the leading power and industrial companies in India.
The objectives of the talks:
- formation of a strategy for long-term cooperation with customers of Izolyator Company and the Massa Izolyator Mehru Pvt. Ltd. a Russian-Indian Joint Venture (MIM JV),
- further development of partnerships and improvement of interaction between Izolyator Company and Mehru Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. within the framework of the MIM JV.
Izolyator Company and MIM JV was represented by:
Chairman of the Board of Directors of MIM JV, CEO of Zavod Izolyator LLC Dr. Alexander Slavinsky;
Vice-Chairman of MIM JV Dr. Ashok Singh;
Managing Director of MIM JV Mr. Sandeep Prakash Sharma;
Marketing, Sales and Sourcing Director of MIM JV Mr. Mandeep Prakash Sharma;
Head of Sales — Asia & America of Izolyator Company Mr. Dmitriy Orekhov;
Sales Specialist Overseas of the Moscow branch of Zavod Izolyator LLC Ms. Olga Parnyuk.
Meetings and talks took place at the head offices of the following companies:
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Gurgaon;
Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Limited, Ahmedabad;
Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited, Hyderabad;
Prime Meiden Limited, Nelluru;
Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad.
Also, a working meeting of the MIM JV management took place in the company's office in New Delhi and a visit to the production site of the enterprise in Bhiwadi.
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PowerGrid) is an India-based state company, engaged in construction, operation and maintenance of the bulk power lines network. PowerGrid is the dominant power grid company in India and one of the biggest utilities in the world. It is largely involved in construction and operation of power networks in India and strengthening and developing of ties with the neighboring countries: Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. The company’s core business is transmission of bulk power across the states of India via 765, 400, 220, 132 kV alternating current and ±500 kV direct current power lines that together make up the Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS). The central headquarter of PowerGrid is in Gurugram.
On 18 October, representatives of Izolyator Company and MIM JV were received at PowerGrid by:
Director (Projects) Mr. Abhay Choudhari,
Executive Director (Asset Management, LD&C and Safety) Mr. A. P. Gangadharan,
Executive Director (Engineering, CE&FQA) Mr. A. K. Singhal,
Executive Director (Engg.-HDVC, QA&I and FQA) Mr. Jayachandran P,
Chief General Manager Mr. Adish Kumar Gupta,
General Manager Mr. RPS Yadav,
Deputy General Manager Mr. Rohit Jain,
Deputy General Manager Mr. Amandeep Singh.
At the meeting, MIM JV was presented as a manufacturer of modern and reliable high-voltage bushings with internal RIP insulation in the Indian electrical market.
PowerGrid expressed interest in purchasing MIM JV products in connection with the transition to RIP bushings up to 420 kV. At the same time, the possibilities and prospects of the MIM JV to meet the needs of PowerGrid in equipment of this type were discussed during the negotiations.
At the end of the meeting, the top officials of PowerGrid received an invitation to visit the MIM JV production facility in Bhiwadi and get acquainted with the technology of production of high-voltage RIP bushings.
Participants of the meeting at the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PowerGrid) in Gurgaon (L-R): Deputy General Manager of PowerGrid Mr. Rohit Jain, General Manager of PowerGrid Mr. RPS Yadav, Managing Director of MIM JV Mr. Sandeep Prakash Sharma, Deputy General Manager at PowerGrid Mr. Amandeep Singh, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of MIM JV Dr. Ashok Singh, Chief General Manager at PowerGrid Mr. Adish Kumar Gupta, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, Mr. Dmitriy Orekhov
Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Ltd.
Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Limited (T&R) is one of India’s leading transformer manufacturing companies. The company has consolidated its position in the Indian Transformer Industry as a manufacturer of a wide range of transformers, which conform to the quality expectations of both the domestic and the international market. The capability to develop world class power, distribution, furnace and specialty transformers is credited to the creation of a world class infrastructure at three plants around the city of Ahmedabad, one of the leading industrialized cities of India.
Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Limited is the official supplier of the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. The company is headquartered in Ahmedabad.
On 19 October, at T&R the guests were received by:
Chairman Mr. Jitendra Mamtora,
Chief Operating Officer Mr. Sujeet Singh,
Deputy General Manager — Technology (R&D Technology + Quality Department) Mr. A. S. Jhala,
Head of Purchasing Mr. Vivek Raval.
The negotiations began with a discussion of the implementation of the existing agreements. Then the parties considered the possibilities and development potential of the MIM JV for the production of high-voltage bushings for the needs of T&R in the short and long term.
The parties also touched upon the operational features of bushings with polymer external insulation.
Negotiations at Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Limited (T&R) in Ahmedabad, L-R: Head of Purchasing of T&R Mr. Vivek Raval; Chairman of T&R Mr. Jitenda Mamtora; Dr. Alexander Slavinsky; Mr. Dmitriy Orekhov; Director of Marketing, Sales and Sourcing at MIM JV Mr. Mandeep Prakash Sharma
Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited
The Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited (TSTRANSCO) is a state-owned regional electric grid company of Telangana State in India. The erstwhile State Electricity Board (SEB) which came into existence in 1959 was responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Under Electricity sector Reforms agenda in 1998, the erstwhile SEB was unbundled into one Generating Company (GENCO), one Transmission Company (TRANSCO) and four distribution companies (DISCOMs). In 2014 TRANSCO was divided into regional network companies: TSTRANSCO and APTRANSCO. The central headquarter of TSTRANSCO is in Hyderabad.
On 20 October, TSTRANSCO’s M. Tech., FIE Director (Lift Irrigation Schemes) Mr. J. Surya Prakash hosted the meeting.
The main topic of the negotiations was the forthcoming accreditation procedure for MIM JV as an official supplier of TSTRANSCO.
A favorable factor in the positive decision is that MIM JV uses materials and technologies identical to those of the Izolyator Production Complex, which, in turn, has successfully passed the audit of TSTRANSCO and is its official supplier.
Negotiators at the Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited (TSTRANSCO), Hyderabad, third from left — FIE Director (Lift Irrigation Schemes) of TSTRANSCO Mr. J. Surya Prakash
Prime Meiden Limited
Prime Meiden Ltd (PML) is a leading transformer plant in India. The enterprise manufactures ultra-high voltage power transformers up to 765 kV. Prime Meiden Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Japanese Meidensha Corporation and is managed by Meiden India Pvt. Ltd. The plant is located in Nelluru.
On 21 October, at PML representatives of Izolyator Company and MIM JV were received by:
Vice President (Factory Operations) Mr. Takayuki Sano,
Vice President (Quality and Testing) Mr. Praveen Agashe,
Plant Head Mr. Ramesh Chandra Singh,
Senior Manager (Planning) Mr. Pradeep Kumar Srivastava,
Senior Manager (Purchase) Mr. Shailendra Pratap Singh,
Deputy Manager (Purchase) Mr. Jayakumar K.
The meeting mainly discussed the features of the operation of high-voltage bushings with RIP-insulation manufactured by MIM JV in conditions of increased atmospheric pollution and adverse weather conditions. The rich experience of operation of Izolyator bushings with this type of internal insulation testifies to their reliable operation in a wide range of environmental pollution and climatic conditions around the world.
The meeting ended with an invitation from the PML management to visit the production site of the MIM JV in Bhiwadi.
Participants of the meeting at the Prime Meiden Limited (PML) in Nelluru, L-R: PML Vice President (Factory Operations) Mr. Takayuki Sano, PML Plant Head Mr. Ramesh Chandra Singh, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, Mr. Dmitriy Orekhov, Mr. Mandeep Prakash Sharma, Ms. Olga Parnyuk, Senior Manager (Purchase) of PML Mr. Shailendra Pratap Singh
Izolyator Group representatives at the test hall of Prime Meiden Limited, on the background — transformer with 252 kV Izolyator bushings
Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. (TTDI) is a transformer plant, a subsidiary of Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation. The plant is part of the Toshiba group of companies in India under the control of Toshiba India Pvt. Ltd. The TTDI plant is located in Hyderabad.
On 22 October, at TTDI the guests were received by:
Chairman & Managing Director Mr. Hiroshi Kaneta;
Vice President, Head of Procurement Mr. Ryosuke Koreeda;
Vice President — Procurement (EHV Power Transformers) Mr. Krishnan V. T.;
Vice President (Power Transformers Division) Mr. Kenichi Aizawa;
Vice President — Marketing & Sales (EHV Transformers Division) Mr. Santanu M Lahiri;
General Manager, Procurement Strategy (Corporate and Power Transformers) Mr. Atmaram Shinde.
During the meeting, the main requirements of TTDI to suppliers of components were considered, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for building and developing successful cooperation.
Much attention during the negotiations was paid to ways of increasing the efficiency of interaction in the process of implementing joint projects.
The parties also discussed the possibility of increasing the production capacity of the MIM JV in the interests of planning cooperation with TTDI on a long-term basis.
Negotiators at the Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. (TTDI) in Hyderabad, L-R: Mr. Mandeep Prakash Sharma, Mr. Dmitriy Orekhov, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, Chairman & Managing Director of TTDI Mr. Hiroshi Kaneta, Vice president — Marketing & Sales (EHV Transformers Division) Mr. Santanu M Lahiri
Massa Izolyator Mehru Pvt. Ltd. a Russian-Indian Joint Venture
Massa Izolyator Mehru Pvt. Ltd. a Russian-Indian Joint Venture (MIM) was created by Russian company ‘Izolyator’ and Indian company ‘Mehru Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd.’. The JV company produces, maintains and sells high-voltage RIP bushings rated up to 420 kV for power equipment in India and other Asian countries. MIM is approved by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited as manufacturer of RIP bushings up to 420 kV. The MIM production facilities is located at Bhiwadi, India.
On 18 October, a working meeting of the MIM JV management took place:
Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Alexander Slavinsky;
Vice-Chairman Dr. Ashok Singh;
Managing Director Mr. Sandeep Prakash Sharma;
Marketing, Sales and Sourcing Director Mr. Mandeep Prakash Sharma;
Commercial Director Mr. Ashwani Aggarwal.
The event was also attended by Dmitriy Orekhov, Head of Sales — Asia & America of Izolyator Company.
The meeting discussed the possibilities of optimizing the location of production units of the MIM JV and expanding production by introducing additional technological and testing equipment with new functionality.
Later on, the meeting participants visited the production site of the MIM JV, where they proceeded with preliminary planning of the future expansion.
Participants of the working meeting at the office of the Massa Izolyator Mehru Pvt. Ltd. a Russian-Indian Joint Venture in New Delhi, L-R: Commercial Director Mr. Ashwani Aggarwal, Managing Director Mr. Sandeep Prakash Sharma, Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, Vice-Chairman Dr. Ashok Singh
All the objectives of the business visit to India were successfully achieved: the MIM JV is systematically developing both in terms of equipping with modern technological equipment with new capabilities, and in establishing and developing long-term cooperation with leading power and industrial companies of India.