The goal of the evacuation drill practiced by Izolyator employees has been achieved
On 13 October 2021, Izolyator ran another successful exercise in evacuation of staff members in the event of a fire hazard.
The drill involved both shop floor personnel and heads of structural divisions of Izolyator, as well as visitors who happed to be on the territory of the company.
After turning on the voice warning of the fire alarm system, the evacuation of staff members began through the evacuation exits of the buildings.
Further, according to the approved evacuation plan, the trainees proceeded to the agreed gathering zone for reporting their presence and finalizing the results of the drill.
Izolyator employees gathered at the appointed gathering zone after the evacuation exercise
As the personnel was arriving, CEO of Izolyator Production Complex Sergey Moiseev received reports from heads of structural divisions. The managers reported on the presence check status of evacuated staff members and the guests of the enterprise.
After overview of the results of the practice, Sergey Moiseev gave an appraisal of the actions of all its participants, noted those who distinguished themselves and thanked the staff for the successful completion of the task.
Overview of the results of the evacuation exercise on a fire hazard signal of workers
Sergey Moiseev thanks the Izolyator staff for the coordinated actions during the evacuation exercise
Thus, the goal of the evacuation drill was achieved — as a result of the training, the employees and heads of the company's structural divisions increased their evacuation skills and readiness in the event of a fire hazard.