Visit of management representatives of the Kamyshlov Plant ‘Uralizolyator’
On 28 May 2021, representatives of the management of the Kamyshlov Plant ‘Uralizolyator’ visited the Izolyator Production Complex.
Kamyshlov Plant ‘Uralizolyator’ is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of electric porcelain supplying completing parts to the leading HV equipment OEMs whose products ensure transmission and distribution of the electric power in the power grids of Russia and the CIS countries.
The key product of Kamyshlov Plant ‘Uralizolyator’ is electric porcelain: cemented and non-cemented, high and low voltage, as well as heat resistant insulators for various applications. Cordierite insulation of Uralizolyator production is supplied for the needs of the nuclear power industry.
Kamyshlov Plant ‘Uralizolyator’ supplies Izolyator Company with porcelain housing as external insulation for 126 and 252 kV bushings.
The group was headed by Commercial Director of the Kamyshlov Plant ‘Uralizolyator’ Alexander Frantsuzov.
The guests were received by the Head of the Procurement Department Dmitry Karasev.
Representatives of the management of the Kamyshlov Plant ‘Uralizolyator’ in the test center of the Izolyator Production Complex, on the R — Commercial Director of Uralizolyator Alexander Frantsuzov
Dmitry Karasev gave a plant tour showing the workshops of the enterprise, during which the guests got acquainted with the most advanced equipment and modern technologies for the production and testing of high-voltage bushings.
The guests visually traced all the stages of Uralizolyator's products movement in the technological cycle of bushing manufacturing: from storage and preparation of porcelain insulators to their use in the assembly process, followed by testing and packaging of the finished product.
The sides also discussed the progress of joint work and the further procedure for interaction under the existing supply contracts of Uralizolyator products.
The partners paid special attention to the long-term planning of cooperation, based on the prospected product range and dynamics of production volumes of Izolyator high-voltage bushings with porcelain external insulation.