Semi-final of the Autumn Cup of the Case-in International Engineering Championship
On 24 November 2021, the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 partnered in the semifinals of the Autumn Cup of the Student League of the Case-in International Engineering Championship by providing experts.

Case-in International Engineering Championship is an international competition system for solving engineering cases for schoolchildren, students and young specialists in the fuel and energy and mineral resource sectors, nuclear industry and related industries. The cases are based on the most relevant industry tasks proposed by the partner companies of the championship. The solutions offered by the participants are evaluated by an expert commission consisting of representatives of government bodies, leading companies, universities and industry research and educational centers. The project is included in the platform ‘Russia is a country of opportunities’ and is being implemented in line with the Action Plan aimed at popularizing worker and engineering professions, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The teams of the championship, the semi-finalists of the cup in the Central Federal District, defended their solutions of the Autumn Cup’s case ‘Climate Projects: Development and Implementation in Permafrost Conditions’ in a distance format.
The case objective is to develop a set of measures for the reduction, capture, utilization and storage of greenhouse gases, taking into account the specifics of the region of the geographical location of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex and mining and the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Semifinal of the Autumn Cup of the Student League of the Case-in International Engineering Championship in a distance format
The teams' decisions were assessed and the cup finalists were determined by the Expert Commission, which from the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 included its coordinator, Director of the Moscow Branch of Izolyator Plant Vladimir Ustinov and Testing and Metrological Assurance Director of Izolyator Production Complex Dmitry Ivanov.
Vladimir Ustinov, member of the Autumn Cup Expert Commission from the CIGRE National Study Committee D1
Based on the results of the defense, the experts noted the high inventiveness of the students: the most diverse and promising solutions were proposed.
The teams offered interesting and promising solutions to the case
According to the results of the expert assessment, the winners of the semi-final stage in the Central Federal District are:
1st place — National University of Oil and Gas ‘Gubkin University’,
2nd place — National University of Science and Technology MISIS,
3rd place — Yaroslavl State Technical University.
The teams of these universities are invited to the final of the Autumn Cup of the Student League of the Case-in International Engineering Championship, which will be held in full-time format in December this year in Moscow.
Autumn Cup is a team competition among university students in solving engineering cases, consisting of qualifying stages, held on the basis of universities; distance semifinals held in eight federal districts of the Russian Federation; and the face-to-face final competition in Moscow.
The purpose of the Autumn Cup is to identify and support the most promising university students, as well as to help them gain practical knowledge, experience and new competencies; popularization of engineering and technical education and attracting young specialists to the fuel and energy and mineral resources sector, the nuclear industry and related industries.