The First Game of the Volleyball Tournament on the Eve of the 122nd Anniversary of Izolyator Plant


On 17 April 2018, the first game of the Volleyball Tournament, dedicated to the 122nd Anniversary of Izolyator Plant, was played.

These Izolyator plant volleyball teams took part in the tournament:

  • Directorate,
  • Commerce,
  • Mechanical Shop,
  • Select team Izolyator,
  • Technologies.

The tournament will take place at the sports hall of Izolyator.

In the first game, Directorate team took over the team of Mechanical shop, scoring 3:0.

Mechanical shop team (L) and Directorate team before the start of the game at the sports hall of Izolyator plant

Mechanical shop team (L) and Directorate team before the start of the game at the sports hall of Izolyator plant

Our congratulations to Directorate team — winner in the first game of the volleyball tournament! We wish success to all participants of the games!

Our thanks to supporters for their input!