Head of Izolyator Group met with newly hired employees

On 14 February 2022, the Izolyator Group had the next ‘Meeting with the CEO’.

The purpose of this format is about gaining clear understanding by new employees of the role and place of Izolyator Group in the development of the domestic and global electric power industry, a sense of belonging to the glorious history of the enterprise from the very first working days, initial familiarization with corporate values ​​and traditions, awareness of the importance of one’s work for achieving a common result, a clear vision of prospects and ways of improvement in the chosen profession.

‘Meeting with the CEO’ format in the Izolyator Group

This time, the companions of the head of the Izolyator Group Alexander Slavinsky were employees hired by Zavod Izolyator LLC, the Izolyator Production Complex for the production of high-voltage bushings and the Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant.

The participants of the meeting are new colleagues employed by various companies of the Izolyator Group

The director got acquainted in with each new employee and presented the areas of activity, goals and objectives of all companies that are part of the Group. An open and interested dialogue ensued.

From acquaintance to open dialogue

The meeting participants paid special attention to the prospects for individual development and professional growth.

In a conversation on this topic, Alexander Slavinsky emphasized that along with the desire to work and an active life position, the desire for new knowledge is of great importance — it is necessary to constantly learn, improve skills and expand professional horizons.

Conversation about the key components of professional growth

All conditions for growth and development have been purposefully created in the Izolyator Group: Izolyator Corporate University is actively working and developing with a wide range of educational programs, the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ is always ready to accept new students and graduate students, which is headed by CEO of Zavod Izolyator LLC Dr. Alexander Slavinsky.

Invitation to study from the head of the department of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’, one of the largest technical universities in Russia

All participants of the meeting with the CEO noted the undoubted usefulness and timeliness of this event, taking everything said as a good message at the beginning of their career in the Izolyator Group of Companies.