Students of MPEI received a thorough understanding of advanced electrical insulating technologies

On 31 October 2023, a visiting tour of the Izolyator Group enterprises was organized for students of the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’.

The Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ (Dept. of PTEMC IEEE) educates specialists and researchers in the field of electrical materials science, electronic materials, electrical insulation and cable technology. Graduates of the department successfully work in the electrotechnical industry, power engineering, research and production organizations and firms. The department is headed by the Head of the Izolyator Group, Member of the Dissertation Board of MPEI, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky.

The first-year master’s students majoring in Electrical materials science, physics and technology of electrical insulation, cables and electrical capacitor manufacturing participated.

The excursion is organized by the Izolyator Corporate University within the framework of social partnership with the MPEI.

The students’ stay program at the Izolyator Group of companies included a visit to the corporate museum, the Izolyator-VV high-voltage bushings production complex (Izolyator-VV PC), the Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant, as well as facilities used to promote corporate culture.

Study tour of the enterprises of the Izolyator Group for students of the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’

The class for the visiting group was given by the head of the Izolyator Group, Head of the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of MPEI Dr. Alexander Slavinsky.

Tour participants

In the corporate museum, students received a general idea of the formation and development of the Izolyator plant, the key achievements along the century-long historical path, the structure and activities of the Izolyator Group at the present time.

Getting to know the history of the Izolyator plant in the corporate museum

Inspection of product samples from Izolyator Group enterprises exhibitesd in the museum

Before the start of the production tour, students received a detailed safety orientation, which is mandatory in such cases.

A mandatory safety briefing before the start of the production tour

Further, during a visit to the Izolyator-VV PC, students were introduced to all the technological stages of manufacturing modern high-voltage bushings: from the preparation of materials and components to testing and packaging of finished products.

Alexander Slavinsky is presenting the most advanced main insulation of high-voltage bushings, made of especially moisture-resistant polymer non-woven material

Introduction to equipment for impregnation and polymerization of internal RIP and RIN insulation of 252 to 1200 kV bushings

At the high-voltage bushings assembly station 

At the Izolyator high-voltage equipment testing center

At the Izolyator-AKS plant, excursionists were also presented with the entire technological cycle of production of high-voltage cable accessories, relevant equipment and samples of finished products with a review of their design and application.

Tour of the workshops of the Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant

Inspection of control elements of cable accessories

Getting acquainted with samples of produced cable accessories

In the laboratory for acceptance testing of cable accessories

The students also visited an exhibition space for the development of creative potential of employees and a universal sports hall, equipped with everything necessary for corporate competitions in team sports.

Inspection of the art exhibition deployed in the corporate exhibition space

In the universal sports facility of the Izolyator Group

At the end of the stay of MPEI students at the Izolyator Group, a conversation took place with Alexander Slavinsky, during which the students received detailed answers to all questions resulting from the visit to the production facility.

Alexander Slavinsky answering students’ questions following the visiting tour

The students unanimously thanked the head of the Izolyator Group for the fascinating, informative and certainly useful excursion.