A 750 kV current transformer produced by the Electroapparat plant was tested at the Izolyator test center

On 30 and 31 March 2024, high-voltage tests of a 750 kV current transformer produced by the Electroapparat Joint Stock Company of High-Voltage Equipment were carried out at the Izolyator test center.

Electroapparat Joint Stock Company of High-Voltage Equipment (JSC VO Electroapparat) is a manufacturer of 40.5–800 kV gas-insulated circuit breakers, current and voltage transformers and disconnect switches. The Electroapparat plant is the largest domestic manufacturer of high-voltage equipment in the north-west of Russia for power enterprises: thermal and hydroelectric power plants, large metallurgical and oil refining enterprises. The plant is based in Saint-Petersburg.

Under an agreement with the Izolyator Production Complex, a gas-insulated current transformer of type TGP-750 III U1 was tested.

Testing of a 750 kV current transformer produced by the Electroapparat Joint Stock Company of High-Voltage Equipment at the Izolyator test center for high-voltage equipment

The tests, in which representatives of the Electroapparat plant took part, were carried out in full, all the goals were achieved.

TGP-750 III U1 current transformer at the 1150 kV station of the Izolyator test center

The Izolyator high-voltage electrical equipment test center is part of the Izolyator Group and conducts tests of Izolyator high-voltage AC and DC bushings, also acting as testing contractor of high-voltage equipment from other manufacturers.