Section of D1 Subcommittee on the Webpage of RNC CIGRE
On 7 July 2016, a website section dedicated to D1 Subcommittee “Materials and new test methods and means of diagnostics development” topics has been launched on the RNC CIGRE webpage.
The Russian National Committee of CIGRE (RNC CIGRE) ranks high in CIGRE structure both by quantity and level of research on power engineering topics as well as input in security and reliability of Russia’s unified power network operation. The D1 Subcommittee in RNC CIGRE “Materials and new test methods and means of diagnostics” was created on the basis of Izolyator plant as a regular collegial body reporting to the Technical Committee of the RNC CIGRE. Izolyator plant received a status of the Leading scientific and technical partner to RNC CIGRE. The agreement was concluded for the period of five years from 11 February 2016 till 10 February 2021. Alexander Slavinsky, Dr. Eng., Chairman of the Board of Directors at Izolyator headed the D1 Subcommittee. The D1 Subcommittee deals with theoretic research in electric insulating materials application in electrical engineering products:
- insulating liquids and transformer oils including compression gels,
- hard and polymer dielectrics,
- 110–220 kV power transformers and high-voltage cables with cross-linked PE insulation diagnostics,
- bushings, high-voltage bushings.
Thus, the D1 Subcommittee’s activities are directly connected with issues of theoretic research in electric insulating materials application in high-voltage equipment.
In the website section of the D1 Subcommittee one can find information on the structure, news and the key directions of activities of the subcommittee.
Abstract of the main page of D1 Subcommittee’s section in the RNC CIGRE wepsite