PVN Meeting

On 21 July 2016, Ivan Panfilov, Commercial Director and Dmitry Mashinistov, Head of SVN Service at Izolyator visited Petrovietnam State Corporation in Vietnam.

Vietnam Oil and Gas Group is a state-owned company with international transaction name is Petrovietnam (PVN). Petrovietnam — a strong economic group in Vietnam is known worldwide. Petrovietnam has the main functions and tasks below: Invest in subsidiaries and affiliates; Implement petroleum activities and sign the petroleum contracts with the organizations, individuals operating in petroleum fields; manage and supervise the petroleum/hydrocarbon exploration and production activities following contracts with petroleum contractors and subsidiaries, organizations and other individuals; Implement other activities the Government entrusts directly to PVN.

The visit was arranged with the kind facilitation of Industrial Equipment and Material Joint-Stock Company representatives, Izolyator’s partner in Vietnam.

On PVN side the visitors were received by

Tran Toan Thang, Deputy General Manager / Power Division

Bui Minh Tuan, Manager of Thermal Power Project Department / Power Division

Izolyator made a corporate presentation and showcased advantages of RIP technology with positive operation references of the largest power companies. The sides discussed possible cooperation directions, for instance, forms of Izolyator involvement in such PVN projects as thermal power plant Long Phu – 1 erection.

PVN representatives provided requirements to purchased power equipment that Izolyator innovative products fully correspond.

We would like to thank Petrovietnam for their invitation and a productive dialogue!

We also wish to thank Industrial Equipment and Material Joint-Stock Company for the business visit organization and activities in business ties development with Vietnamese companies!


PVN meeting participants