CIGRE Research Committees Composition Approved

On 17–18 May 2016, there were approved members of renewed Study Committees for 2016–2018 at a CIGRE Steering Committee sitting in Nice.


Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques (CIGRE) is the largest international non-profit Association for promoting collaboration with experts from all around the world by sharing knowledge and joining forces to improve electric power systems. Founded in 1921 in France CIGRE is one of the most authoritative and significant international associations which unites scientists and power engineers from all over the world and makes significant impact on the strategy of the electricity industry in many countries.Russian National Committee (RNC CIGRE) as a legal entity was established in 2003.

The Study Committees now include eight newly appointed RNC CIGRE representatives and eight reappointed members.


The members list of CIGRE Study Committees (PDF 420 KB)