Visit of Novovoronezhskaya NPP’s Representative

On 6 July 2017, Evgeny Materkin, Lead Engineer of Electrical Shop at Novovoronezhskaya NPP visited Izolyator plant.


Novovoronezhskaya NPP is one of the oldest nuclear power plants in Russia and the biggest producer of electric energy in Voronezh region. The plant supplies energy to over 20 large enterprises and 2.3 mln residents of the Central Volga region. Novovoronezhskaya NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern.

Director on Partner Relations Oleg Bakulin and Head of Design Bureau Victor Kiryukhin welcomed the guest.

The hosts made Izolyator corporate presentation, introducing its products and paying a special attention to design and operation features of HV RIP bushings. They also familiarized the guest with the production and testing technology of high-voltage bushings.

Evgeny Materkin, Lead Electrical Shop Engineer at Novovoronezhskaya NPP at Izolyator plant (second on the right). L — Victor Kiryukhin, R — Oleg Bakulin

Evgeny Materkin, Lead Electrical Shop Engineer at Novovoronezhskaya NPP at Izolyator plant (second on the right). L — Victor Kiryukhin, R — Oleg Bakulin

We would like to thank the representative of Novovoronezhskaya NPP for his visit to Izolyator plant!