Visit to Shaturskaya SDPP
On 9 March 2017, Izolyator’s Strategic Sales Director Alexander Savinov visited Shaturskaya SDPP.
Shaturskaya GRES is a thermal power station located in the town of Shatura in the Moscow Region. Natural gas is the main fuel, however, coal, fuel oil and peat may also be used at the power plant. The total installed capacity of Shaturskaya GRES is 1,493.4 MW, while the heating capacity is 344.5 Gcal. Shaturskaya GRES has over 95 years of history. Shaturskaya GRES is a branch of Unipro PJSC.
A seminar for the technical specialists of the power plant was given by Mr. Savinov. It was dedicated to RIP bushings’ operation and design specifics as well as new research by Izolyator.
The second part of the visit was dedicated to discussion of the near and remote cooperation plans concerning delivery of innovative equipment for Shaturskaya SDPP.
Shaturskaya SDPP (photo from the official website of Unipro PJSC)
We would like to thank Shaturskaya SDPP for the invitation and an active cooperation!