Visit to Kolektor Etra d.o.o. Plant
On 26 September 2018, Izolyator representatives visited the Slovenian transformer plant Kolektor Etra d.o.o.
Basic activity of the Kolektor Etra d.o.o. is development, servicing, and dismounting of transformers for energy, distribution, and special transformers. Company has the capacity to produce energy and power generator transformers up to 500 MVA and voltages up to 420 kV. Kolektor Etra d.o.o. is located in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Yaroslav Sedov, International Business Development Manager and Alexander Znamenskiy, Manager of International Business Development Department represented Izolyator.
Miha Trczsan received the guests.
Senior Purchasing Manager of Kolektor Etra d.o.o. Miha Trczsan (L) and Yaroslav Sedov at the meeting at Kolektor Etra d.o.o. plant
At the meeting, Izolyator made a presentation of its production capabilities.
The sides discussed the advantages of application of Izolyator HV bushings with solid RIP insulation and further steps to develop cooperation between the two companies.
At the end of the visit, the sides expressed satisfaction with the results of the meeting and intention to strengthen and develop business ties.
Alexander Znamenskiy and Senior Purchasing Manager of Kolektor Etra d.o.o. Miha Trczsan: meeting at Kolektor Etra d.o.o. plant was a success
We appreciate Kolektor Etra d.o.o. for an invitation and a productive dialogue!