10th Anniversary International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Energy Industry through the eyes of youth 2019’
From September 16 to 20, 2019, Izolyator took part in the 10th Anniversary International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Energy Industry through the eyes of youth 2019’ in Irkutsk.

The international scientific and technical conference ‘Energy Industry through the eyes of youth’ is held annually and aims to develop the scientific and creative potential of young researchers in the field of electric power.
Objectives of the conference: to present and discuss the latest scientific research results and practical achievements in the field of electric power industry, to develop and strengthen the scientific ties of electric power companies and universities, to attract younger staff, students and graduate students to research activities.
For ten years, the conference has been gathering talented young people from all over Russia, as well as CIS countries and overseas.
Traditionally, the conference is devoted to the most pressing issues of the electric power industry and has become a platform for attracting young workers, students and graduate students to research activities, discussing the results of the latest scientific research and practical achievements in the field of electric power, developing and strengthening ties between universities and energy companies.
- Organizers of the 10th Anniversary Conference:
- Irkutsk National Research Technical University,
- System operator of the Unified Energy System,
- Russian National Committee of the International Council for Large High Voltage Electric Systems (RNC CIGRE),
- Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System,
- Charitable Foundation for Educational Projects “Reliable Change”.
This year the conference was held on the basis of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University.
The conference both in sectional and poster presentations was attended by 300 young specialists from 20 energy companies of Russia; students, graduate students and young scientists of 25 Russian and foreign universities.
Conference hall of the 10th Anniversary International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Energy Industry through the eyes of youth 2019’, Irkutsk
Representatives of the Izolyator plant took part in the conference as experts of section No. 2 ‘Operating modes and equipment of electric networks and systems’. The section was moderated by Izolyator Deputy Quality Director, coordinator of the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 ‘Materials and Emerging Test Techniques’ RNC CIGRE (NSC D1 RNC CIGRE) Vladimir Ustinov.
Vladimir Ustinov with participants of the 10th Anniversary International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Energy Industry through the eyes of youth 2019’, Irkutsk
During the work of the Section, 22 reports were heard: 16 sectional and 6 poster.
- The members of the expert commission named the best reports in the nominations:
- the best report (awarded with the prize of the Izolyator plant);
- the best poster presentation of the student, the best poster presentation of the young specialist;
- the best sectional report of the student, the best sectional report of the young specialist;
- the best report with the most complex and laborious solution to a scientific problem.
As part of a round table with the participation of students and energy companies’ representatives, Vladimir Ustinov made a presentation of both Izolyator and NSC D1 RNC CIGRE activities.
Participants of the 10th Anniversary International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Energy Industry through the eyes of youth 2019’, Irkutsk
All the presented reports will be published in the conference proceedings.