Presentation of Izolyator plant in the Sverdlovsk branch of T Plus Group
On September 26, 2019, Oleg Bakulin, Director of Partner Relations at Izolyator, made a presentation ‘Promising technologies: high voltage bushings with RIN isolation’ in the Sverdlovsk branch of T Plus Group in Yekaterinburg.

Sverdlovsk branch of T Plus Group comprises generating and heat supply assets in seven cities of Sverdlovsk region: Yekaterinburg, Berezovsky, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Pervouralsk, Nizhnyaya Tura, Lesnoy.
The branch operates six power plants (TPP, SDPP, HPP).
The branch also controls Yekaterinburg heat supply company, Sverdlovsk heat supply company and Engineering center of Sverdlovsk region.
The total installed electric capacity of the Sverdlovsk branch of T Plus Group is 1256 MW, heat output — 5886 Gcal/hr.
The presentation was attended by Head of the Electrical department Alfred Polishchuk, Chief Specialist of the Electrical department Olga Shishkina and other specialists of the Sverdlovsk branch of T Plus Group.
The presentation participants got in-depth review of high-voltage bushings with internal RIN insulation advantages as well as their design and manufacturing technology, operating and diagnostic features.
Experts noted the great practical benefits of the presentation and expressed a common desire to develop such forms of cooperation.
Akademicheskaya CHPP of the Sverdlovsk branch of T Plus Group (photo: T Plus Group)