Talks With the Representatives of the Branch Pimorskaya Generation of the Far-Eastern Generating Company
On 22 October 2019, representatives of the branch Primorskaya Generation of the Far-Eastern Generating company had talks at Izolyator plant.

Primorskaya Generation, branch of Far-Eastern Generating Company is a core supplier of electric and thermal power in the south of Primorsky Kray.
The branch is engaged in production and transportation of thermal energy and its sale to the public corporate clients.
There are three power plants with a total installed electric capacity of 1100 MW and thermal capacity of 1508 Gcal/hr entering Primorskaya Generation.
Primorskaya generation is headquartered in Vladivostok.
The Far-Eastern Generating company was represented by the Head of the department of relay protection and automation, metrology and an automated information-measuring system for the commercial accounting of electricity Igor Fedoseev.
The guest was received by Director on Partner Relations Oleg Bakulin and Lead Technical Support Specialist Victor Kiryukhin.
Head of the department of relay protection and automation, metrology and an automated information-measuring system for the commercial accounting of electricity Igor Fedoseev (L) and Oleg Bakulin at Izolyator plant
The meeting opened with Izolyator plant’s presentation about its product range with detailed account of the advantages of new designs.
Izolyator plant’s presentation at the meeting with the representative of the Far-Eastern Generating Company
The sides discussed the track record and specifics of Izolyator HV bushings operation as well as possibilities of gradual replacement of bushings of obsolete designs by their counterparts with solid internal insulation.
Talks with the representative of the Far-Eastern Generating Company at Izolyator plant
The hosts arranged for a plant tour showing the production shops, where the guest familiarized himself with the production cycle and testing processes of high-voltage bushings with solid internal RIP and RIN insulation.