Visit to Tuboly-Astronic AG in Switzerland
On 13 November 2019, Izolyator plant representatives visited a company in Switzerland — supplier of process equipment Tuboly-Astronic AG.

Tuboly-Astronic AG has been developing and manufacturing machines for the production of transformers for nearly 30 years.
All knowledge and experience manifests itself in the hardware, software, system integration and service Tuboly-Astronic AG provides to our customers.
Paramount goal is to equip clients with an automation degree that allows them to manufacture their products with the highest possible efficiency.
Tuboly-Astronic AG is located in Dottikon municipality in Switzerland.
Since 2011, Izolyator has operated a highly automated Tuboly-Astronic machine for winding the main insulation of high-voltage bushings for voltage range from 252 kV and higher.
- Izolyator plant was represented by:
- R&D Director Konstantin Sipilkin,
- Deputy Chief Process Engineer Svetlana Kryuchkova,
- Deputy Chief Designer Pavel Kiryukhin.
The guests were received by Reinhold Bauer, Technical Director of Tuboly-Astronic AG and Waldemar Koch, Director of Elsitech.
Representatives of Izolyator plant at the office of the Tuboly-Astronic AG in Switzerland, L-R: Pavel Kiryukhin,Technical Director of Tuboly-Astronic AG Reinhold Bauer, Svetlana Kryuchkova and Konstantin Sipilkin
Representatives of Izolyator plant at the Tuboly-Astronic AG in Switzerland, L-R: Pavel Kiryukhin, Konstantin Sipilkin and Director of Elsitech Waldemar Koch
Izolyator representatives got acquainted with the latest development for manufacturers of high-voltage bushings - a modern fully automated 12-meter winding machine, which is equipped with the latest monitoring systems, implements automatic cutting and laying of plates, is equipped with a diameter compensation system and an effective paper drying system with the ability to reduce moisture content in paper to a minimum.
During a visit to the production, the parties considered the possibility of modernizing the Tuboly-Astronic machine, operating at the Izolyator plant, and also discussed other areas of cooperation.
Tuboly-Astronic machine for winding the main insulation of high-voltage bushings from 252 kV and higher in the Izolyator plant workshop