Working Meeting at the Far-Eastern Generating Company
On October 22, 2019, Director of Strategic Sales at Izolyator plant Alexander Savinov had a working meeting at the Far-Eastern Generating company in Khabarovsk.

AFar-Eastern Generating Company (FEGC) produces thermal and electric power and ensures centralized heat supply to consumers in the service areas of the power plants from Yakutia (Sakha) to the Pacific Ocean. FEGC also delivers heat to end users.
It is the fourth largest generation company in Russia by installed capacity and the largest market player in the Far East. The company’s activities occupy 1/10 th of the Russian Federation territory.
The installed electric capacity of FEGC is 5 922,93 MW, thermal — 12812,82 Gcal/hr.
The FEGC’s headquarter is in Khabarovsk.
Far-Eastern Generating Company is part of RusHydro Group.
The guest was received by the Deputy General Director Chief Engineer Evgeny Brylyov.
Alexander Savinov at the head office of the Far-Eastern Generating company in Khabarovsk
The parties mainly discussed the progress of joint projects and the advantages of HV RIN bushings application, which is the Izolyator plant’s innovative product.
The sides marked the successful development and favorable prospects of cooperation between the companies.