Working meeting at the Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region
On September 3, 2019, representatives of Izolyator management took part in a working meeting that the Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region held with enterprises and organizations — developers and manufacturers of electrical equipment.

The Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region is the executive body of state power in the Moscow Region.
The Ministry conducts state policy and carries out executive and administrative activities in the Moscow Region in the investment and innovation spheres, in the formation and implementation of industrial policy, in determining priority areas for the development of science and technology, in attracting private investment, in implementing investment projects in various industries, in improvement of favorable investment climate, etc.
The purpose of the working meeting was to ensure the implementation of strategic directions of the social and economic development of the Russian Federation and Moscow Region until 2020 and for the period until 2030.
Presidium of the working meeting at the Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region
At the meeting Izolyator was represented by General Director of Massa LLC Sergey Moiseev and Deputy Commercial Director of Massa LLC Dmitry Abbakumov.
Dmitry Abbakumov (foreground) and Sergey Moiseev at a working meeting arranged by the Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region
At the meeting issues of ensuring stable and efficient operation of business entities were discussed; the causes of problem situations that impede the competitive products rollout both for domestic and export sales, as well as a number of other pressing issues.
At the end of the working meeting, the participants specified the expected development indicators of enterprises and organizations — manufacturers of electrical equipment in 2019 and in the near future.