Working meeting with ASA-snab management in Kazakhstan
On November 13, 2019, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, a working meeting between Anna Zubakova, Manager of CIS & Baltics Sales at Izolyator and Murat Botabaev, Director of the ASA-snab trading company, took place.

There are 118 power plants of various forms of ownership in Kazakhstan.
The power plants are divided into nationally significant plants, industrial-purpose plants and regional power plants.
The power grid of the Republic of Kazakhstan presents a complex of substations, switching devices and power lines of 0.4–1150 kV aimed for transmission and/or distribution of electric power.
The National Electric Grid fulfils the role of a backbone network of the unified energy system of Kazakhstan, which ensures electric connection between the republic’s regions and power grids of neighboring countries (Russian Federation, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan) and supply of the energy by the power plants with subsequent transmission to wholesale consumers.
Trading company ASA-snab delivers power equipment and electrical products to Kazakhstan. Izolyator plant and ASA-snab are linked by successful long-term cooperation.
At the meeting, we discussed results of the two companies’ joint activities over the past year, and also noted common goals and streamlined interaction in the implementation of joint projects.
Both parties outlined a plan for further joint work, taking into account prevailing trends in the technical equipment of the energy system of Kazakhstan and the most effective forms of cooperation.
Seminar arranged by Izolyator for technical specialists of Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company. July 2019