Reference of the Polish engineering company ZUT Energoaudyt sp. z o.o.

On 23 September 2021, the engineering company ZUT Energoaudyt sp. z o.o. informed about the reliable operation of Izolyator high-voltage bushings installed on a transformer of the Dolna Odra power plant in Poland.

Отзыв польской инжиниринговой компанииZUT Energoaudyt sp. z o.o. is an engineering company that provides maintenance of power transformers at large industrial enterprises and utilities in Poland, including the state power grid company Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., as well as power generation facilities. The company is headquartered in Warsaw.

The 240 MVA transformer is equipped with bushings with solid internal RIP insulation for voltages of 126 and 252 kV.

5TB1.jpegThe 240 MVA transformer with 252 kV Izolyator bushings at Dolna Odra power plant in Poland

The thermal power plant Dolna Odra is a coal-fired condensing power plant. It is the main power plant in the Zespół Elektrowni Dolna Odra group of power stations located in northwestern Poland and a subsidiary of PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A.

9636.jpgThermal power plant Dolna Odra in the North-West of Poland, part of the branch of the PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A. concern (photo: PGE Group)

In its reference letter, ZUT Energoaudyt sp. z o.o. informs on the installation of 252 and 126 kV bushings manufactured by Izolyator (Massa LLC) on the TFBN 240000/220 transformer of the Dolna Odra power plant. Installation works were completed in February 2021 and the equipment was put into operation. The bushings operate reliably and meet the customer's expectations.


Original letter from ZUT Energoaudyt sp. z o.o. in Polish (PDF 248 КБ)