Analytical session within the framework of the project ‘Competences of the XXI century’

On 8 April 2021, Izolyator took part in a plenary meeting of the expert group of the analytical session on finalizing the descriptions of general competences for professional standards, which took place within the framework of the project ‘Competences of the XXI century: definition, formation and assessment’.

This project is a joint initiative of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute and the National Agency for Qualifications Development, implemented with the support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Pushkin State Russian Language Institute Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Pushkin State Russian Language Institute’ (Pushkin Institute) specializes in teaching Russian to international students and in training teachers to teach Russian as a foreign language.
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation offers certificated examinations in Russian in compliance with the Council of Europe standards.
The examinations are also held at examination centers in Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, the Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Finland, Slovakia, France, Spain, Estonia and other countries.
In 2019, the Pushkin Institute's educational programs underwent the procedure of international public accreditation and were accredited by the National Center for Public Accreditation until January, 30, 2025 and were included info European Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR).

The National Agency for Qualifications Development (NARK) The National Agency for Qualifications Development (NARK) carries out the formation and implementation of effective mechanisms for interaction between the labor market and the vocational education system.
The purpose of the NARK is to provide services in the development of the national qualifications system in the Russian Federation.
The agency’s objectives:
- assistance in the development of the national qualifications system in the Russian Federation;
- formation of an agreed position of organizations representing the business community in their interaction with government and non-government bodies responsible for the development of education;
- assistance in the formation of independent, including public and state institutions involved in the development of the quality of the workforce, assessment of the results of education, training and work experience.

The plenary session opening the discussion was held at the Pushkin Institute, where Izolyator was represented by Julia Turina, Head of the Human Resources, Deputy Chairman of Board of Izolyator Corporate University.

Plenary session within the framework of the project ‘Competences of the XXI century’ at the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Plenary session within the framework of the project ‘Competences of the XXI century’ at the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute

The session is attended by Julia Turina, Head of the Human Resources, Deputy Chairman of Board of Izolyator Corporate University (L)
The session is attended by Julia Turina, Head of the Human Resources, Deputy Chairman of Board of Izolyator Corporate University (L)

Deputy General Director at NARK Alla Faktorovich, President of the Pushkin Institute Margarita Rusetskaya and Head of the Center for Content and Quality Assessment of Secondary Vocational Education of the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education Svetlana Naumova spoke at the meeting.

President of the Pushkin Institute Margarita Rusetskaya speaking
President of the Pushkin Institute Margarita Rusetskaya speaking

After the plenary session, the experts continued the discussion in groups, each of which considered a specific competence: ‘Working with information’, ‘Problem solving’, ‘Teamwork and people management’ and ‘Self-management’.

At the end of the session, each group presented its results.

Work on the project will continue.

Based on materials of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.