Competence of the XXI century Press Conference at the National Agency for Qualifications Development
On 11 March 2021, Izolyator plant took part in a press conference dedicated to the signing of cooperation agreements by the National Agency for Qualifications Development with the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute and the Digital Energy Association in the framework of the project ‘Competence of the XXI century: definition, formation and assessment’.

The National Agency for Qualifications Development (NARK) carries out the formation and implementation of effective mechanisms for interaction between the labor market and the vocational education system.
The purpose of the NARK is to provide services in the development of the national qualifications system in the Russian Federation.
The agency’s objectives:
- assistance in the development of the national qualifications system in the Russian Federation;
- formation of an agreed position of organizations representing the business community in their interaction with government and non-government bodies responsible for the development of education;
- assistance in the formation of independent, including public and state institutions involved in the development of the quality of the workforce, assessment of the results of education, training and work experience.
Currently, there is a lot of discussion about the important role of general and digital competencies for achieving professional success and effective career building, human capital development; many classifications and descriptions of such competencies are proposed.
Press conference dedicated to the signing by the National Agency for Qualifications Development of cooperation agreements with the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute and the Digital Energy Association in the framework of the project ‘Competence of the XXI century: definition, formation and assessment’
The General Director of NARK Alexander Leibovich and the Rector of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute Margarita Rusetskaya announced the joint plans and objectives of the development of sectoral and corporate requirements to general competencies, soft skills requirements needed for successful professional activities.
The specialists of the NARK and the Pushkin Institute will jointly solve the problem of objectively describing the general competencies of a modern professional and forming a reliable toolkit for their assessment.
General Director of the National Agency for Qualifications Development Alexander Leibovich and Rector of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute Margarita Rusetskaya signed an agreement on cooperation between the two organizations
On behalf of the Digital Energy Association, an agreement on cooperation with NARK was signed by Executive Director Julia Kholueva, who noted one of the priority tasks of the association — training and retraining of specialists capable of providing implementation and support of high-tech digital solutions for the digital transformation of the electric power industry.
The parties agreed to continue monitoring the labor market with the participation of member companies of the association to determine the level of formation of digital skills and competencies.
Executive Director of the Digital Energy Association Julia Kholueva (L) is signing an agreement on cooperation of the association with the National Agency for Qualifications Development in the person of the First Deputy General Director Julia Smirnova
Also, the press conference was attended by the Deputy Head of the expert group on improving productivity and labor protection, industrial safety and the formation of digital competencies of personnel necessary for digital transformation under the board of the Digital Energy Association, Head of the Department for promoting digital transformation of Inter RAO Group Angelica Korneeva, who spoke about the plans for the implementation of the Strategy for the Digital Transformation of the Electricity Industry until 2030, paying special attention to the association's project to create a digital platform for the development of competencies of employees of energy companies.
Angelica Korneeva, Deputy Head of the Expert Group on Improving Productivity and Labor Protection, Industrial Safety and the Formation of Digital Competencies of Personnel Necessary for Digital Transformation under the Board of the Digital Energy Association, Head of the Department for the Promotion of Digital Transformation of the Inter RAO Group
Izolyator plant was represented at the press conference remotely by Julia Turina, Head of the Human Resources, Deputy Chairman of Board of Izolyator Corporate University — the enterprise is a member of the NARK project ‘Competence of the XXI century: definition, formation and assessment’.
Online broadcast of the press conference ‘Competence of the XXI century’
Based on materials of the Basic Training Center and the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.