Education and Business: Best Interaction Practices Seminar of the National Agency for Qualifications Development
On 10 February 2021 Izolyator plant took part in the online seminar ‘Education and Business: Best Interaction Practices’ organized by the National Agency for Qualifications Development.

The National Agency for Qualifications Development (NARK) carries out the formation and implementation of effective mechanisms for interaction between the labor market and the vocational education system.
The purpose of the NARK is to provide services in the development of the national qualifications system in the Russian Federation.
The agency’s objectives:
- assistance in the development of the national qualifications system in the Russian Federation;
- formation of an agreed position of organizations representing the business community in their interaction with government and non-government bodies responsible for the development of education;
- assistance in the formation of independent, including public and state institutions involved in the development of the quality of the workforce, assessment of the results of education, training and work experience.
Opening the seminar, General Director of the National Agency for Qualifications Development Alexander Leibovich announced that the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and NARK have come up with a joint initiative ‘Open Agreement’, which involves combining the capabilities of developers and carriers of experience, competencies and resources to support the digital transformation of labor market management systems and personnel training in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation using the tools of the national qualifications system.
Alexander Leibovich also noted that NARK, on behalf of the President of Russia, performs the functions of the Basic Center for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of workers and mid-level specialists.
General Director of the National Agency for Qualifications Development Alexander Leibovich is opening the online seminar ‘Education and Business: Best Interaction Practices’
Further, the seminar discussed the topics of scaling the best practices aimed at training personnel in accordance with the current and future requirements of the labor market, the development of interaction between business and education.
About 1800 people from 73 regions of Russia took part in the online seminar — representatives of regional executive authorities, employers, professional qualifications councils and qualification assessment centers, regional methodological centers of the national qualifications system, advanced vocational training centers and educational organizations.
Online seminar ‘Education and Business: Best Interaction Practices’ of the National Agency for Qualifications Development
Izolyator plant was represented at the seminar remotely by the Head of the Human Resources, Deputy Chairman of Board of Izolyator Corporate University Julia Tyurina.
Based on the results of the seminar at Izolyator, a decision was made to participate in two projects from those presented by NARK specialists:
- ‘Competencies of the XXI century: definition, formation and assessment’, aimed at building a system of general competences (soft skills) that are in demand in the labor market in the context of the transition to a new economic order;
- ‘Qualification MENTOR’, whose task is to promote the best mentoring practices, the formation of methodological and personnel support for the development of mentoring in the workplace.
Based on materials of the National Agency for Qualifications Development.