Inspection of tests of Izolyator bushings by Indian companies
From 6 to 10 September 2021, the Indian state power grid company Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited and Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. carried out a joint test inspection of Izolyator high-voltage bushings.

The Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited (TSTRANSCO) is a state-owned regional electric grid company of Telangana State in India. The erstwhile State Electricity Board (SEB) which came into existence in 1959 was responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Under Electricity sector Reforms agenda in 1998, the erstwhile SEB was unbundled into one Generating Company (GENCO), one Transmission Company (TRANSCO) and four distribution companies (DISCOMs). In 2014 TRANSCO was divided into regional network companies: TSTRANSCO and APTRANSCO. The central headquarter of TSTRANSCO is in Hyderabad.

Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. (TTDI) is a transformer plant, a subsidiary of Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation. The plant is part of the Toshiba group of companies in India under the control of Toshiba India Pvt. Ltd. The TTDI plant is located in Hyderabad.
During this period, acceptance tests of 252 and 420 kV RIP bushings, manufactured under TTDI's order and intended for installation on new transformers, were carried out at the test center of the Izolyator Production Complex.
TTDI transformers with Izolyator high-voltage bushings will be operated at TSTRANSCO’s power facilities.
Inspection of Izolyator bushings tests by the Indian state power grid company Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited and Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd.
The inspection was carried out by:
Gyara Ramesh, Executive Engineer / Construction / PRLIS / Hyderabad, TSTRANSCO;
Paka Raghunandan, Executive Engineer / Division-1 / LIS / Karimnagar, TSTRANSCO;
Sanghasani Anil Kumar, Procurement, TTDI.
The work of the inspection group was facilitated and supported by Izolyator employees: Head of Sales — Asia & America Dmitriy Orekhov and Sales Manager — Asia & America Denis Grankin.
Inspection participants at the Izolyator Test Center, to the right of the test bushing: TSTRANSCO’s Executive Engineer Paka Raghunandan, TTDI’s Purchasing Manager Sanghasani Anil Kumar and TSTRANSCO’s Executive Engineer Gyara Ramesh
At all stages of testing, the inspection team was provided with absolute accessibility to all technological operations and the results obtained.
Measuring the insulation resistance of the measuring tap
Experts from TSTRANSCO and TTDI are observing the progress of the tests in the control room of the test center
The tests were carried out in full compliance with the international standard IEC 60137 and were completed successfully, confirming the high quality of Izolyator products.
The needs of TTDI in high-voltage RIP bushings for 2022 were also discussed. While doing that the parties paid special attention to the types of bushings that form the quantitative basis of TTDI’s plans.
As a result, an arrangement was made on the agreement procedure for framework contract between TTDI and Izolyator for the next year.