Meeting with the management of the Asia Trafo plant of Alageum Electric Group in Kazakhstan
On 28 September 2021, the management representatives of Izolyator Company and Asia Trafo transformer plant met in Chimkent, Kazakhstan.

AsiaTrafo — the largest plant in Central Asia for the production of transformer equipment. The main products of the plant are power oil transformers and autotransformers of voltages class 126, 252, 550 kV with capacity up to 500 MVA, as well as reactors. The design capacity of the plant is more than 12 000 MVA per year. Asia Trafo is located in Shymkent and is part of the leading Kazakh manufacturer of electrical equipment Alageum Electric holding company.
Izolyator Company was represented by:
Commercial Director — 1st Deputy CEO Ivan Panfilov,
Deputy Commercial Director Andrey Shornikov,
Neighboring Countries Sales Director Maxim Osipov,
Assistant of Neighboring Countries Sales Director Roman Levintsov.
Representatives of the management of the Izolyator Company at Asia Trafo transformer plant in Kazakhstan
At Asia Trafo plant, the guests were received by:
CEO Omar Asanov,
Commercial Director Ruslan Tokmurzin,
Technical Director Adilbek Tazhibaev.
A tour of the enterprise was organized for the guests, where they got acquainted with modern technologies of production and testing of transformer equipment, including units equipped with Izolyator high-voltage bushings.
A tour of Izolyator Company representatives of Asia Trafo plant, (L-R): Andrey Shornikov, Asia Trafo CEO Omar Asanov, Ivan Panfilov, Maxim Osipov, Roman Levintsov, Asia Trafo Technical Director Adilbek Tazhibaev and Asia Trafo Commercial Director Ruslan Tokmurzin. In the background — Asia Trafo test transformer with Izolyator bushings of 126, 550 (without external insulation) and 800 kV
Negotiations took place, which opened with a presentation of the Izolyator Production Complex and its products — high-voltage bushings with internal RIN and RIP insulation.
Also, the management of Asia Trafo plant was introduced to a new business line of Izolyator — the development and production of cable accessories of 126 to 252 kV voltages.
At the end of the presentations, the parties engaged in an interested dialogue regarding the advantages of the new types of Izolyator products and the prospects for completing the products of Asia Trafo plant with them.
Talks between the management representatives of Asia Trafo transformer plant and the Izolyator Company
The key results of the negotiations were the agreed range and volume of supplies of high-voltage bushings in 2022, as well as a mapped out development plan of mid and long-term cooperation between Asia Trafo plant and Izolyator.