Visit of representatives of the Administration of the Shakhovskaya City District
On 21 April 2021, representatives of the Administration of the Shakhovskaya City District visited Izolyator.

Shakhovskaya City District is a municipality in the Moscow region of the Russian Federation. The administrative center is the work settlement of Shakhovskaya.
The district is located in the north-west of the Moscow region, 155 kilometers from Moscow.
There is a production facility of Izolyator on the territory of Shakhovskaya City District, which is engaged in production of shipping packaging for company products.
The Administration of the Shakhovskaya City District was represented by Deputy Head of the Administration, Chairman of the Committee on Economics and Investments Lyubov Ganina and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economics and Investments, Head of the Economics Department Gulia Markova.
The guests were received by the CEO Massa LLC Sergey Moiseev and Head of the Human Resources Julia Turina.
Visit of representatives of the Shakhovskaya City District Administration to Izolyator: Deputy Head of Administration, Chairman of the Committee on Economics and Investments Lyubov Ganina (R), Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economics and Investments, Head of the Economics Department Gulia Markova and Sergey Moiseev
The key topic of the meeting was the coordination of efforts to explain the expediency and procedure for mass vaccination against coronavirus infection COVID-19 at the enterprises of the Shakhovskaya city district, and, in particular, at the Izolyator production site operating in the district.
In the medical office at the Istra — main production site of Izolyator, vaccination with the Sputnik V vaccine has already been organized and is being carried out on the basis of a voluntary registration of the company's employees.
A tour of the Izolyator Production Complex and Izolyator-AKS enterprise was also organized for the guests, after which a visit to the corporate museum took place.
Consecutive acquaintance with sectors of the Izolyator Production Complex gave the guests a clear and fairly complete idea of the modern serial production of high-voltage insulating equipment and the technological equipment of one of the leading enterprises in the electrical engineering industry.
Representatives of the Administration of the Shakhovskaya City District on an excursion to the insulation manufacturing workshop of the Izolyator Production Complex
Excursion to the test center of the Izolyator Production Complex
The excursion around Izolyator-AKS became an introduction to a relatively new line of activity of Izolyator — the development, production and testing of high-voltage cable accessories. The enterprise is also equipped with the most advanced technological equipment.
Tour of the Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant
A visit to the corporate museum finalized the excursion part of the visit. Here the guests got acquainted with the centuries-old history and major achievements of the Izolyator plant, which is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year.
Acquaintance with milestones of Izolyator plant in the corporate museum of the enterprise
All the items of agenda of the visit of the representatives of the Shakhovskaya City District Administration were successful and productive, presenting another stage in the strengthening and development of partnership relations between the administration of the district and Izolyator.