The first time installation of Izolyator-AKS cable accessories
On 24 September 2022 the products of the Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant were installed at a power facility in the Minsk region in Belarus for the first time. The installation of three terminations on the cable line of the 126 kV Ostroshchitsky Gorodok substation, which is being reconstructed by the Minsk Electric Networks, was successfully completed.
Minsk Electric Networks serve 0.44–800 kV power grid, which provides centralized power supply to all sectors of the national economy and the population in the Minsk and Pukhovichi administrative districts of the Minsk region, on an area of 4.77 thousand square kilometers. In addition, Minsk Electric Networks serves all 40.5–363 kV transmission lines in Minsk. Minsk Electric Networks is a branch of the Minskenergo Republican Unitary Enterprise of the Electric Power Industry, which is fully responsible for the production, transmission, distribution and sale of electric and thermal energy, aimed at ensuring reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers in Minsk and the Minsk region.
The installed outdoor terminations with composite insulator IKM-126 are sealed armature designed for air connection of cable lines with elements of the power supply system and are installed on cables with XLPE insulation.
For the first time Izolyator-AKS cable accessories were installed at a power facility: three IKM-126 outdoor termination mounted on the cable line of the 126 kV Ostroshchitsky Gorodok substation of the Minskenergo Republican Unitary Enterprise of the Electric Power Industry in Belarus
The installation site was visited by the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Karankevich, which speaks for the importance of this power facility for the infrastructure of the Minsk region.
All 40.5–363 kV city transmission lines in Minsk are served by the Minsk Electric Networks, a branch of the Minskenergo enterprise (photo: the Minsk community’s VKontakte page)
This installation procedure features the lifting of the pre-assembled on the ground armature with its subsequent installation on the seats of the power transmission line support.
The assembly of the terminations was carried out at prepared work stations. The lifting was done using a special locking device.
Preparing work stations for assembly of outdoor termination
Assembling outdoor termination
The assembled IKM-126 outdoor termination units
Getting the assembled outdoor termination ready for adding dielectric liquid
Lifting the outdoor termination in the locking device for subsequent on the seat of the power line support
Supervision of the preparatory, assembly and installation operations was done by the Production Process Engineer of Izolyator-AKS Alexander Filippov.
It is worth mentioning that the terminations were sent to the customer four weeks ahead of the schedule.
Izolyator-AKS factory is a developer and manufacturer of high-voltage cable accessories of all types (cable joints, outdoor terminations and cable connectors) for voltages from 126 to 252 kV for cable cross-sections up to 2500 mm².
The enterprise was founded in April 2019 as a result of the diversification of production by Izolyator, which has a century of experience in the creation and production of high-voltage insulation equipment.
The Izolyator-AKS products successfully passed a series of tests at the Russian Cable Scientific Research and Development Institute, were certified for compliance with the technical requirements of Rosseti Group and in the Pribor-Expert system for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.
The quality management system operating at the enterprise is certified for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
Izolyator-AKS is a plenipotentiary member of the International Association ‘Electrocable’.
Cable accessories are manufactured on the most modern and unparalleled injection molding machines.
Manufacture of control bodies for cable accessories on an injection chill molding machine at the Izolyator-AKS plant
All manufactured products undergo tests in own testing laboratory equipped with unique test equipment.
Laboratory of the Izolyator-AKS plant for acceptance testing of cable accessories for voltage classes from 126 to 252 kV
The plant is part of the Izolyator Group.