Presentation of the Izolyator Group at the Far-Eastern Generating Company

On 26 May 2022, Izolyator Group and its products were presented at the Far-Eastern Generating Company in Khabarovsk.

The Far-Eastern Generating Company (FEGC) produces heat and electricity, and also provides district heating to consumers in the areas where power plants are located in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the southern region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It is the fourth largest generation company in Russia by installed capacity and the largest market player in the Far East. The company’s activities occupy 1/10th of the Russian Federation territory. The FEGC’s headquarter is in Khabarovsk. Far East Generating Company is part of RusHydro Group.

The presentation took place at a meeting of chief engineers of FEGC’s power plants, where representatives of the Izolyator Group were invited.

Presentation of the Izolyator Group and its products at a meeting of chief engineers of power plants from the Far-Eastern Generating Company, Khabarovsk

The meeting was chaired by First Deputy General Director and Chief Engineer of FEGC Valentin Tenikhovsky and Deputy Chief Engineer at FEGC Vitaly Andriyanov.

In the first part of his presentation, Partner Relations Director of the Izolyator Group Oleg Bakulin presented the Group and its enterprises emerging as a result of the repositioning of the Izolyator brand due to the diversification of production and expansion of its presence in the global electrical market.

Oleg Bakulin is presenting the Izolyator Group and its enterprises as a result of brand repositioning

The second part of the presentation was devoted to the technical and operational advantages of high-voltage bushings with moisture-resistant solid internal RIN insulation, the prospects for their application at the FEGC facilities.

Head of the SVN-Service Department of the R&D Center of the Izolyator Group Alexey Pilyugin made a presentation ‘Specifics of operation of high-voltage bushings at power plants of the Far-Eastern Generating Company’.

Alexey Pilyugin delivering the report ‘Specifics of operation of high-voltage bushings at power plants of the Far-Eastern Generating Company’

At the end of the report, an interested dialogue took place, during which detailed answers were given to all the questions of the technical managers of the FEGC’s power plants.