Qualification rounds of the Student League in the FGC UES Power Industry section of the 10th season of the Case-in International Engineering Championship
On March 10–11 and 25, 2022, the management of the Izolyator Group took expert part in the 10th season’s qualification rounds of the Student League of the Case-in International Engineering Championship in the FGC UES Power Industry section, held remotely on the basis of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ in Moscow and its branch in Volzhsky.
The Student League of the Case-in International Engineering Championship is a competition consisting of remote qualification rounds based in universities, face-to-face semi-finals in federal districts with a possibility of remote connection, and the final on-site stage in Moscow. The main season’s competitions are held from February to May, the autumn cup — from September to December. Case-in International Engineering Championship is an international competition system for solving engineering cases for schoolchildren, students and young specialists in the fuel and energy and mineral resource sectors, nuclear industry and related industries. The cases are based on the most relevant industry tasks proposed by the partner companies of the championship. The solutions offered by the participants are evaluated by an expert commission consisting of representatives of government bodies, leading companies, universities and industry research and educational centers. The project is included in the platform ‘Russia is a country of opportunities’ and is being implemented in line with the Action Plan aimed at popularizing worker and engineering professions, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The organizers of the Case-in International Engineering Championship:
- AstraLogika, whose goal is to develop new educational technologies, including the case method;
- The Youth Forum of Mining Leaders — the largest youth platform for the mining sector in Russia;
- Reliable New Generation Charitable Institution, which contributes to the training of future specialists in the electric power industry.
Opening of the qualification stage of the Student League in the FGC UES Power Industry section of the 10th season of the Case-in International Engineering Championship
Broadcast of the Case-in International Engineering Championship in Izolyator Group
The Izolyator Group was represented in the expert commission by the Head of the Group, the Head of CIGRE National Study Committee D1 (NSC D1), the Head of the Department of Physics and Technologies of Electrical Materials and Components of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of the National Research University ‘Moscow Power Engineering Institute’ (MPEI) Dr. Alexander Slavinsky and Director of the Moscow branch of the Izolyator plant, Coordinator of NSC D1 Vladimir Ustinov.
Alexander Slavinsky and Vladimir Ustinov, members of the Student League expert commission in the FGC UES Power Industry section
The CIGRE National Study Committee D1 ‘Materials and Emerging Test Techniques’ was created on the basis of Izolyator Company, which was granted the status of Leading Scientific and Technical Partner of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE.
The Russian National Committee of CIGRE provides support to the organizers of the Case-in Championship.
In accordance with the Regulations on the Case-in International Engineering Championship, this year the teams participating in the Student League in the FGC UES Power Industry section were asked to solve the case ‘Industry 4.0: New Technologies for an Electric Grid Company’.
Industry 4.0 (the fourth industrial revolution) has revolutionized the way industries operate and develop, leading to major technological developments in several sectors, including the power industry. Building a secure infrastructure for the future is essential to achieving sustainable development and ensuring energy efficient power consumption in the context of the energy transition.
This year, the teams participating in the Student League solved the case ‘Industry 4.0: New Technologies for an Electric Grid Company’
The teams had to take part in solving the problem of locating and optimizing the operation of active power reserves of power units of power plants of the Unified Energy System of Russia and applying modern digital technologies of Industry 4.0 to solve this problem.
25 teams took part in the qualification of the championship at MPEI in Moscow, with these teams hitting the winners list below (all representing MPEI):
first stream, March 10:
1st place — Green Generation,
2nd place — 2+2,
3rd place — Flash;
second stream, March 11:
1st place — ZA|POZITIV,
2nd place — Molniya,
3rd place — PILA.
One of the teams at the qualification stage of the Case-in Championship at MPEI in Moscow
In the qualification round held at the MPEI’s branch in Volzhsky, 13 teams proposed their solutions of the case ‘Industry 4.0: New Technologies for an Electric Grid Company’.
Participants in the qualification round of the Case-in Championship at the MPEI’s branch in Volzhsky (photo: Nadyozhnaya Smena Foundation for Educational Projects)
The teams that took the first and the second place will represent MPEI in the semi-finals of the Case-in Championship among teams in the federal districts.