20th International exhibition Cabex for cables, wires, fastening hardware and installation technologies
From March 15 to March 17, 2022, Izolyator Group took part in the 20th International exhibition Cabex for cables, wires, fastening hardware and installation technologies in Moscow.
Cabex is an international specialized exhibition of cable and wire products. Exhibitors are russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers of cable and wire products, electric and electrical products, tools and equipment for cable installation, equipment and materials for the production of cable and wire products. Visitors of the exhibition are managers and specialists of specialized trade enterprises, construction and installation organizations, companies-end customers of cable and wire products, responsible for the selection of cable and wires, as well as related equipment and products. Every year, a rich scientific and technical program of business events is held within the framework of the Cabex exhibition. The events of the business program cover a wide range of topical issues of cable and wire products production, as well as the use of cable and wires in key sectors of the Russian economy.
The organizer of the exhibition is the International Exhibition Company. Information support was provided by the Russian Cable Scientific Research and Development Institute and International Association 'Electrocable'.
20th International exhibition Cabex for cables, wires, fastening hardware and installation technologies in Moscow
Official opening ceremony of Cabex 2022
At the exhibition, for the first time, the refreshed brand, uniting all divisions of the Izolyator Group, was publicly presented.
First public presentation of the revamped Izolyator brand
The Group's exhibition stand displayed full-scale replicas of innovative products — high-voltage cable accessories developed and manufactured by the Izolyator-AKS factory.
The enterprise was founded in April 2019 as a result of the diversification of production by Izolyator, which has a century of experience in the creation and production of high-voltage insulation equipment. The first products were manufactured in the second quarter 2020. Since September 2021, Izolyator-AKS has been a plenipotentiary member of the International Association ‘Electrocable’. Cable accessories are manufactured on the most modern and unparalleled injection molding machines. All manufactured products undergo tests in own testing laboratory equipped with unique test equipment. The Izolyator-AKS enterprise includes a multifunctional service center. The plant is part of the Izolyator Group.
As one of the exhibits at the stand, a 126 kV dry self-supporting outdoor termination was demonstrated. This is a completely domestic development with unique design solutions and great potential for use at the power facilities of the Rosseti Group, capable of replacing oil and gas-filled outdoor terminations in the next few years, which are currently operated in electrical networks of 126 kV and higher voltages.
The exposition of the Izolyator-AKS factory at the Cabex 2022 exhibition, on the left there is a 126 kV dry self-supporting outdoor termination, a unique development of the enterprise
A group of Izolyator-AKS specialists, headed by Director General Konstantin Murzin and Technical Director Viktor Pshennov, provided each visitor of the stand with detailed and comprehensive information on the scope, design and advantages of Izolyator-AKS cable accessories.
Acquaintance with the design of the 126 kV cable joint
In the course of interested dialogue, many business contacts were established both with potential customers of cable products and with suppliers of advanced technological equipment and new electrical materials for further improvement and expansion of the production of Izolyator-AKS cable accessories.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Cable Scientific Research and Development Institute Dr. Gennady Meshchanov (R) at the stand of the Izolyator-AKS factory. In the center — Viktor Pshennov
In the foreground: Natalia Glukhova, Leading Expert of the Quality Assurance Department of the Research and Development Center at Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System, Lev Makarov, Leading Researcher at the Russian Cable Scientific Research and Development Institute (L)
Representative of the independent expert center CESI S.p.A. Konstantin Yunoshev (R, foreground)
Viktor Kiselev, Commercial Director of TGC, Voskresensk
The exhibition was visited by the head of the Izolyator Group, Head of CIGRE National Study Committee D1, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky and Commercial Director — 1st Deputy CEO of Massa LLC Ivan Panfilov.
During the inspection of the exposition of the exhibition, a number of meetings were held with representatives of the management of partner companies, at which new joint projects, ways and prospects for the development of cooperation were discussed.
Sergey Protasenko, CEO of Uncomtech Engineering (L)
CEO of the Uncomtech Trading Сompany PhD Evgeny Vasiliev (R)
Alexander Slavinsky took part in the panel discussion ‘Modern Threats and Challenges for the Cable Industry’, which was held as part of the business program of the first day of the exhibition.
During the discussion, the following issues were covered: the Russian and global cable industry, government support for the industry, priority programs and projects in electrical engineering, the reform of control and monitoring activities and other topical issues in the development of the cable industry.
Panel discussion ‘Modern threats and challenges for the cable industry’ as part of the Cabex 2022 business program
Visitors to the Cabex 2022 exhibition got the opportunity to solve a wide range of business objectives in a short time, as well as hold meetings in the usual offline format, get professional advice, and conduct a comparative evaluation of products.
The objectives of the participation of the Izolyator Group in the 20th International exhibition Cabex for cables, wires, fastening hardware and installation technologies have been successfully achieved: the industry community is aware of the revamped Izolyator brand and innovative products of one of the Group’s divisions, the Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant.
All goals of Izolyator Group in Cabex 2022 have been successfully achieved
All developments resulting from participation in the exhibition will form the basis for the further establishment and development of partnerships in the market of cable and wire products.