The enterprises of the Izolyator Group received a visit of the Moscow High-Voltage Networks’ management
On 30 March 2022, the management of Moscow High-Voltage Networks, a branch of the distribution grid company Rosseti Moscow Region, visited the enterprises of the Izolyator Group.
Moscow High-Voltage Networks (MHVN) is a branch of Rosseti Moscow Region, one of the largest distribution grid companies in Russia, carrying out transmission of electric energy in Moscow region. The main type of activity of MHVN is provision of paid services of transmitting electrical energy to consumers in administrative districts of Moscow and a number of settlements in the Moscow Region. The MHVN team operates feeding centers of 40.5–252 kV for technological connection of consumers, and carries out a range of activities on operational servicing and maintenance of equipment and facilities at the feeding center, operating aerial and cable lines with the voltage of 40.5–550 kV. Moscow High-voltage Networks are subdivided into 10 District High-Voltage Networks (DHVN), which represent the main structural unit and are distributed according to territories of district administrations in Moscow.
The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the advanced technologies for the production of high-voltage bushings with solid insulation and innovative cable accessories, which are a new and actively developing business line for Izolyator Group.
The representative group, headed by MHVN’s Director Andrey Vologin, included the entire management of the company, the heads of all district high-voltage networks, as well as experts from the power transmission lines operation department of Rosseti Moscow Region.
The management of the Moscow High-Voltage Networks, a branch of the Rosseti Moscow Region distribution grid company, on a tour of the enterprises of the Izolyator Group
The arrivals were greeted by the Sales and Business Development Director (Russia) of the Izolyator Alexander Savinov, after which CEO of Massa LLC Sergey Moiseev addressed the audience with an welcome speech.
Alexander Savinov is welcoming the visitors
The welcome address by Sergey Moiseev
Then the guests were invited to the corporate museum, which presents both a variety of historical evidence of the centuries-old path of the Izolyator plant, and today's achievements of the Group's enterprises.
Acquaintance with innovative developments in the corporate exhibition area
The acquaintance of MHVN representatives with the Izolyator Group was continued by its head, Alexander Slavinsky, who made a report on the repositioning of the Izolyator brand. The speaker revealed the prerequisites, goals and principles of production diversification, presented the structure and activities of each of the divisions of the newly formed group of companies.
Alexander Slavinsky is speaking on the essence of the repositioning of the Izolyator brand
The central event of the visit in accordance with its original purpose was a tour of the production of high-voltage insulating equipment.
The Lead Lead Technical Support Specialist of Izolyator Group Viktor Kiryukhin successively demonstrated to the guests all the technological stages of manufacturing and testing high-voltage bushings at the Izolyator Production Complex, accompanying the demonstration with detailed explanations and comprehensive answers to clarifying questions.
Tour of the assembly shop of the Izolyator Production Complex
At the Izolyator-AKS plant, where the Technical Director of this enterprise Viktor Pshennov gave a tour, the guests got acquainted with the result of production diversification — cable accessories for voltage classes of 126–252 kV and highly automated equipment of the latest generation for manufacture and testing.
Representatives of the Moscow High-Voltage Networks get acquainted with the products of the Izolyator-AKS plant — high-voltage cable accessories
Acquaintance with the technological equipment of the Izolyator-AKS plant
At the end of the tour, the head of the SVN-service department Alexey Pilyugin presented a report to the guests on the topic: ‘Specifics of operation of Izolyator high-voltage bushings with internal RIP- and extra moisture-resistant RIN-insulation’.
The report raised a broad and interested discussion on all the aspects touched upon in it. Representatives of the MHVN received detailed answers and recommendations on the accurate selection of modern analogues to replace obsolete bushings, the rules for their installation on power equipment and successful long-term operation, as well as on a number of other practical issues.
In the course of communication, the heads of the MHVN’s divisions openly shared their experience in using Izolyator bushings at power grid facilities, which made the meeting a productive and mutually beneficial exchange of professional knowledge.
Professional communication between representatives of Moscow High-Voltage Networks and Izolyator Group took place in the form of an open and interested dialogue
When discussing the expansion of cooperation, special attention was paid to the prospects for the use of high-voltage cable accessories manufactured by the Izolyator-AKS plant, which is part of the Izolyator Group, in the power grid sector.
Head of Sales — HV Cable Systems Nikolay Balashov and Senior Sales Manager (Russia) Mikhail Boichenko took an active part in the dialogue, as well as in organizing all the events of the visit.
All planned activities of the visit of the MHVN’s management were informatively rich and ended with great practical benefit. The Izolyator Group continues to develop sustainable and long-term cooperation with the Russian power grid complex.