Conference ‘Current issues of diagnostics, operation and repair of electrical equipment’
From 13 to 15 September 2022, in St. Petersburg, Izolyator Group took part in the scientific and practical Conference ‘Current issues of diagnostics, operation and repair of electrical equipment’ and the XXVII Plenary meeting of the Public Council of Diagnosticians of Power Electrical Equipment at the UralEnergoEngineering Center.
The Council of Diagnosticians of Power Electrical Equipment at the UralEnergoEngineering Center (Council at UEE Center) is a public organization operating on a non-profit basis. The key objective of the council is to organize information exchange on the most important problems of power equipment diagnostics with invitation of competent specialists regardless of their departmental affiliation. At the annual plenary meetings of the Council at UEE Center, both general and strategic trends of diagnostics and problems of diagnosing certain types of electrical equipment are considered. Izolyator Company has been a member of the Council at UEE Center with a decisive vote since 1994.
The conference was organized by the Council at UEE Center together with the research and Russian production company Streamer Electric AG, the St. Petersburg Energy Institute for Advanced Studies and the Public Council of Diagnosticians for Electrical Facilities of Siberia and Far East with the support of the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 ‘Materials and Emerging Test Techniques’ (CIGRE NSC D1), created on the basis of the Izolyator Production Complex.
Izolyator Group was represented at the conference by:
Head of the Group — CEO of Zavod Izolyator LLC, Head of CIGRE NSC D1, Member of the Council at UEE Center Dr., Prof. Alexander Slavinsky;
Director of Moscow Branch of Izolyator Plant, coordinator of CIGRE NSC D1, Member of the Council at UEE Center Vladimir Ustinov;
Head of the Integrated Management System Department of the Izolyator Group, Secretary of the Council at UEE Center, Member of the Women in Energy Community under the Auspices of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Marina Vladimirova.
The scientific and practical Conference ‘Current issues of diagnostics, operation and repair of electrical equipment’ in St. Petersburg
Alexander Slavinsky was also one of the co-chairs of the organizing committee of the conference. Marina Vladimirova took part in the work of the organizing committee’s office, including the preparatory stage.
During the conference, Alexander Slavinsky made a presentation ‘Import substitution in the production of high-voltage bushings and cable accessories’, Vladimir Ustinov delivered a report ‘High-voltage bushings with RIN insulation. Experience of the first years of operation’.
Alexander Slavinsky is reporting on the topic ‘Import substitution in the production of high-voltage bushings and cable accessories’
Both reports aroused great interest among the conference audience. Representatives of enterprises operating high-voltage electrical equipment noted the high reliability and operational manufacturability of the products of the Izolyator Group, the need to ensure continuous production and supply of high-voltage bushings in modern economic realities.
Vladimir Ustinov makes a presentation ‘High-voltage bushings with RIN insulation. Experience of the first years of operation’
In total, 24 reports were presented on various aspects of the conference topics.
More than 70 executives and specialists of power grid and generating companies, enterprises — manufacturers of power equipment and diagnostic devices, organizations involved in equipment diagnostics took part in that important industry event. Among the participants, there also were prominent scientists from Russia and Belarus.
Participants of the Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Current issues of diagnostics, operation and repair of electrical equipment’ in St. Petersburg
The conference ended with an off-site event — a tour for the conference participants around the transformer plant ‘PMTT. High-Voltage Solutions’, equipped with the most modern technological equipment.
Tour to the transformer plant ‘PMTT. High-Voltage Solutions’
As a result of the conference, all diagnostics experts once again noted that maintaining the performance of electrical equipment at the proper level is the key to its reliability and economic stability of the operating company.