Visit of the management representatives of departments of the interregional distribution grid company Rosseti North-West
Izolyator Group received a visit of representatives of the management of departments of the interregional distribution grid company Rosseti North-West.
Rosseti North-West is an interregional distribution network company. The core objective of Rosseti North-West is ensuring efficient management of the distribution grid complex of the seven territories within the North-Western Federal District of Russia. Service territory of the company is 1.4 million sq. km. The Rosseti North-West company is headquartered in St. Petersburg. Rosseti North-West is part of the Rosseti Group.
The meeting took place after a joint visit with the employees of the Izolyator Group to the Power Grids International Forum, which was working in Moscow on those days.
Rosseti North-West was represented by
Deputy Head of the Department for Technical Re-equipment and Reconstruction, Maintenance and Repair of Electric Grid Facilities — Head of the Operations Service Grigory Kuzmenko;
Head of the Department of Technological Development and Innovation Vladimir Kopylov;
Chief Specialist of the Operation Service of the Department for Technical Re-equipment and Reconstruction, Maintenance and Repair of Electric Grid Facilities Roman Besedin.
Visit of representatives of the interregional distribution grid company Rosseti North-West to the Izolyator Group: Deputy Head of Department — Head of the Operations Service of the Department for Technical Re-equipment and Reconstruction, Maintenance and Repair of Electric Grid Facilities Grigory Kuzmenko (center right), Head of the Department of Technological Development and Innovation Vladimir Kopylov (center left) and Chief Specialist of the Operations Service of the Department for Technical Re-equipment and Reconstruction, Maintenance and Repair of Power Grid Facilities Roman Besedin (left)
The sides had talks with Sales and Business Development Director (Russia) Alexander Savinov and Senior Sales Manager (Russia) Mikhail Boichenko representing the Izolyator Group.
During the meeting, the experience of operating Izolyator high-voltage bushings and replacing outdated bushings of obsolete designs with their modern counterparts was mainly discussed.
In the development of that topic, the advantages and prospects for the use in the electric grid of Rosseti North-West of bushings with RIN insulation, which have improved technical and operational characteristics due to the low level of water absorption of the main insulation, were considered.
Also, the sides discussed possibilities for developing professional competencies of the technical specialists of Rosseti North-West in respect to in-depth study of the design and operational features of high-voltage insulating equipment. In this regard, traditional technical seminars by leading specialists of the Izolyator Group, as well as advanced training programs of the Izolyator Corporate University were suggested as appropriate forms of training.
Negotiations at Izolyator with representatives of the management of departments of Rosseti North-West
At the end of the talks, the guests visited the enterprises of the Izolyator Group, the first of which was the Izolyator Production Complex, which produces high-voltage bushings.
The tour covered the entire production and technological cycle of manufacturing modern bushings with internal RIP and RIN insulation. At each stage, all necessary explanations and detailed answers to the questions of visitors were given.
Acquaintance with a high-performance machine for winding the main insulation of high-voltage bushings 252–1200 kV
One of the final stages, testing, and the corresponding equipment of the test center of the Izolyator Production Complex were presented to the guests by the Testing and Metrological Assurance Director Dmitry Ivanov.
Guests at the test center of the Izolyator Production Complex
Further, the tour proceeded to the Izolyator-AKS plant, where the Technical Director of the enterprise Viktor Pshennov introduced the guests to the production and samples of 126–252 kV high-voltage cable accessories including the latest innovative developments of the plant.
Representatives of the management of Rosseti North-West at Izolyator-AKS
Acquaintance with high-voltage cable accessories manufactured by the Izolyator-AKS plant
The visit of the representatives of the management of the departments of the Rosseti North-West went according to the planned schedule and was eventful and successful.