22nd All-Russian Conference ‘Increasing reliability, efficiency and safety of power equipment engineering’
On 4–6 June 2019, Izolyator took part in the 22nd All-Russian Conference ‘Increasing reliability, efficiency and safety of power equipment engineering’
Krasnodar region Association ‘Regional Scientific and Technical Union of Power Engineers and Technicians’ (KRA RSTUPET) came as organizer of this annual event.

Krasnodar region Association “Regional Scientific and Technical Union of Power Engineers and Technicians” is called to maintain the balance of interests of producers and consumers of energy, coordinated interaction of power supply organizations, scientific, research and design institutions, power equipment and electrical products OEMs and suppliers.
The conference traditionally went with technical support and a strong engagement of Kubanenergo PJSC, largest power grid company on the territory of the Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygeya.
The venue plays a role of an established communication platform for a comprehensive discussion of problems and prospects of development of the power sector of the country.
Power equipment operating companies, design and research, production and professional training organizations, power equipment plants and suppliers of electrical equipment and services participated in the conference.
Participants of the 22nd All-Russian Conference ‘Increasing reliability, efficiency and safety of power equipment engineering’, Gelendzhik (photo by KRA RSTUPET)
Vladimir Ustinov, Deputy Quality Director at Izolyator, Coordinator of the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 ‘Materials and Emerging Test Techniques’ presented a report ‘Production, testing, diagnostics and operating experience of high-voltage bushings’.
A book of reports of the conference participants is planned for printing.
We appreciate Krasnodar region Association ‘Regional Scientific and Technical Union of Power Engineers and Technicians’ for an invitation and organizing the conference on a high professional level.