Anniversary Applied Science Conference on diagnostics of power electrical equipment
On 10 and 11 September 2019, 25th Applied Science Conference ‘Production, operation, diagnostics and maintenance of high-voltage bushings and measuring transformers. Requirements to transformer oil for high-voltage equipment’ was held in Moscow.
The Conference is organized by the Public Council of Specialists in power electrical equipment diagnostics by Engineering Technical Center ‘UralEnergoEngineering’ jointly with Izolyator plant, Public Council of Specialists in diagnostics of electrical units of Siberia and Far East with support from the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 ‘Materials and Emerging Test Techniques’.

Community council of diagnosticians on power equipment at Engineering Technical Center ‘UralEnergoEngineering’ (ETC ‘UralEnergoEngineering’) is a successor of the Community council of diagnosticians on power equipment at Ural HSE center of electrical engineers.
The key objective of the council is to organize information exchange on the most important problems of power equipment diagnostics with invitation of competent specialists regardless of their departmental affiliation.
Welcoming words to the conference participants were addressed by the Chairman of the Public Council of Specialists in power electrical equipment diagnostics by ETC ‘UralEnergoEngineering’ Alexey Utepov and Chief Executive Officer of Zavod Izolyator LLC, Head of CIGRE National Study Committee D1, Member of the Community council of diagnosticians on power equipment at ETC ‘UralEnergoEngineering’ Alexander Slavinsky.
Alexander Slavinsky is pronouncing an opening address to the participants of the 25th Applied Science Conference on diagnostics of power equipment
Conference participants discussed issues of production, operation, diagnostics and maintenance of measuring transformers, high-voltage bushings, reports on the requirements for operation, storage and recovery of the of transformer oil and electrical equipment renovation.
The 25th Applied Science Conference on diagnostics of power equipment, Moscow
On the first day of the conference, a field session was held at the Izolyator plant, where participants of the event studied the technological cycle of high-voltage bushings manufacturing and heard reports on innovative developments of the enterprise.
Participants of the 25th Applied Science Conference on diagnostics of power equipment are getting an introduction to the process of high-voltage bushings manufacture at Izolyator plant
Participants of the 25th Applied Science Conference on diagnostics of power equipment are listening to reports on the innovative designs of Izolyator plant
The conference materials will be published.
The visiting session of the 25th Applied Science Conference on diagnostics of power equipment at Izolyator plant was a success